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Seraj Strategy : it is my own Strategy and nver ever saw it before i make it , so please do not try to copy or use it . i spent more than 3 months to develp it to make it as it is now. it is only for Contest and trade Euro Dollar only and it is not suit for any other instruments or time frame . i use only the TVS indicator i try to catsh the top and the bottom .
Version: Date: Status: Description:
5 10.04.2017 Not running Seraj_Mamoun  Download
4 02.04.2017 Executed Seraj_Mamoun  Download
3 11.01.2017 Executed Seraj_Mamoun  Download
2 11.01.2017 Executed Seraj_Mamoun
1 11.01.2017 Executed Seraj_Mamoun
ForexAlyoum avatar

i just update the strategy to edit the slippage as i think it made me lost some positions because of it

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