
As the name implies, the Void strategy trades if the price enters new territory. That means prices is breaking out to new highs or lows. The strategy trades EUR/JPY and USD/JPY in the breakout direction at the main trading hours of the respective markets.
Version: Date: Status: Description:
4 24.11.2016 Comp. error  Download
3 24.11.2016 Comp. error  Download
2 24.11.2016 Comp. error  Download
2 24.11.2016 Not running As the name implies, the Void strategy trades if the price enters new territory. That means prices is breaking out to new highs or lows. The strategy trades EUR/JPY and USD/JPY in the breakout direction at the main trading hours of the respective markets.  Download
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(example: 1.1, beta, alpha)