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adjusting sl and tp
版本: 日期: 状态: 描述 :
3 06.03.2013 Not running Construction of additional parameters  下载
2 09.02.2013 Executed Modified engine  下载
v1 06.02.2013 Executed adjusting sl and tp  下载
Panzer avatar
Panzer 16 2月

Each code is good if it is properly adjusted.
If the code incorrectly will not be benefiting from it, no matter where the strategy is based.

Panzer avatar
Panzer 28 2月

Many copies are active at the same time each month, the essence is that we try to set our own competition, it is not forbidden for anyone, is allowed to configure them the way we think it should work.

Ganimedes avatar

The Original code was made by RockForex - Brazil Belman & Panzer only change parameters...

Panzer avatar
Panzer 5 3月

Here is the strategy most copied, and is constantly active in the competition, why we turn our attention intensively on this strategy?

RockForex avatar

Our goal here is to constantly improve what is strategy and Panzer is done using the best possible way and getting consistent results

Panzer avatar
Panzer 7 3月

Thanks Rock for a positive gesture, some members do not see anybody 'efforts and diversity, but rather looking to pick holes leave a negative comment.
Thanks to all the positives for collegial support.

ZaraMarian avatar
ZaraMarian 25 3月

only change few parameters...without work...i think you don't deserve a prize...sorry :(



(例如: 1.1, beta, alpha)