SMA_Martingale (ver. 5) Not running

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SMA_Martingale: This strategy is using SMA indicator for positions entry and martingale based money management! The strategy uses SMA-35 and compare it to the last TickBid if the price is above SMA35, it opens long position if it's under the indicator then short position will be open. There is additional block which is looking for the distance between the price and the SMA. If it is too far away , because of wild market conditions, like price gaps and too high volatility, strategy waits for better entry. Positions sizing is based on martingale theory , it doubles the trade amount on each lost trade. After a winning trade, the position amount goes back to the initial 0.05M. TP is 32 pips and SL is 16 pips. The trade pair is USD/JPY.

Zusammengefasste Gewinn/Verlust Dynamik

Ausgewählter Zeitraum: 01.04.2023 - 30.04.2023

Full Stats

Stände (Punkte): 63 (195)
Performance, $ (Punkte): 82,80K$ (121)
Drawdown, % (Punkte): 22.52% (39)
Bonuses: 35
Average Profit Trade: 3,53K$
Average Loss Trade: -1474.96$
Profit Faktor: 0,00K
Anzahl der Trades: 35
Gehandeltes Volumen: 93,22M$
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