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Trading the market for the long run. Avoiding fake trends and hold on the big trend for the long run. Looking for big swing trades Trading the market for the long run. Avoiding fake trends and hold on the big trend for the long run. Looking for big swing trades Trading the market for the long run. Avoiding fake trends and hold on the big trend for the long run. Looking for big swing trades

تغير محصل الربخ و الخسارة

المدة المحددة: 01.04.2023 - 30.04.2023

Full Stats

Standings (نقاط): 144 (95)
اداء, $ (نقاط): 9,82K$ (58)
Drawdown, % (نقاط): 93.87% (3)
Bonuses: 34
Average Profit Trade: 2,29K$
Average Loss Trade: -3566.33$
عامل الربح: 0,00K
عدد الصفقات: 41
حجم التداول المحقق: 139,54M$
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