Maybe a dumb question but I've really tried to understand..
To make a strategy test as real as possible in VisualJForex, should I choose "Tick at open" in the "Interpolate by"? Is that the way it works then I run it in real time with my later real account?
In my strategy I choose to have 10M as default time period, and with "Interpolate by" set at 10M it works very well. Then at the "Tick at open" set at "Interpolate by" it doesnt work at all.
Should I change the way I buildt my strategy to fit the "Tick at open" or is it possible to set "Interpolate by" at 10M when I run it in real time?
I believe pipx is referring to the VJF (web based) strategy tester.
Alternatively, you can use JForex platform to test your VJF strategies:
1. Right-click on "Strategies" and select "Open Strategy"
2. Go to: "VisualJForex" -> "My Strategies" (or "VisualJForex" -> "Other Strategies" -> "Contest")
3. Select a strategy and click "Open" button
4. Right-click on the strategy and select "View" (strategy source code shows)
5. Copy strategy source code to clipboard
6. Right-click on "Strategies" and select "New Strategy" (new strategy source code shows)
7. Paste copied source code to the new tab (overwrite the existing source code)
8. Right-click on the new strategy and select "Compile"
9. Click "Save" button
10. Right-click on the new strategy and select "Test" ("Historical Tester" tab shows)
11. See the following wiki on how to use the historical tester: https://www.dukascopy.com/wiki/#Historical_Tester.
For as real as possible backtest, use "Process all ticks" option. It should work regardless of whether you use onCandle or onTick events as your starting point.
Hello piddemedp,
For more realist results, I test on Period>Tick and Interpolate>Tick on Open. It takes longer but has reliable results.
As for the strategy, I don’t believe you have to change your logic, since it’s on VJF, just match the last bid candle period to the period you wish to run your strategy using an “IF” block.
On historical tester, you should chose "Tick" for the Period. This way, you'll get all the historical data by ticks so test results would be most historically accurate. If you chose any interpolations, you will test your strategy on interpolated data.
On real tester, you don't have to pick interpolate method as you get the data realtime.