Windows 8.1 pro problem - image view and upload problem.

I cant view the profile pictures or any other pictures in the Dukascopy community site. I cant even upload any pictures into the site. anyone else facing same problem?

How to overcome?

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8 Feb. 2014 by

Nadin5794 avatar


Nadin5794 avatar

I haven't any ways now..

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Answers: 4

Best Answer

That seems like a Problem related with Adobe Flash Player Settings. Have you been changing if Sites could Store Data in your PC? It looks like you restricted Adobe Flash from Storing Data on your PC!
Try a Diferent Browser like Chrome, who has Flash allways enabled. If it doesnt work anyway, could be many thinghs, but Windows 8.1 or even 8.1 Pro, only does that if you restrict the Flash from Storing Data, or in the Browser, you restricted the Browser from Storing Data. Try a diferent Browser like Chrome or Firefox (Firefox doesnt even needs Flash), so, if its not restricted in the Browser or in Adobe Global Flash Settings, and only Happens with Dukascopy Site, check the Browser to Allow All from, in Explorer at least! Could be the "HTTPS" enabled!

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30 Apr. 2015 by

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have you try to update java for windows 8.1 ??

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9 Feb. 2014 by

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Yo tengo algunos problemas pero muy pequeños al visualizar las imagenes pequeñas de los graficos.

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14 Apr. 2015 by

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Восьмая версия признана не очень удачной ОС,поэтому вам нужно обновиться до 10 и проблемы уйдут.У меня на 8-ке даже терминал не грузился,после обновления системы всё стало подругому!!

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11 Feb. 2016 by

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