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Planned Short Entry still at 1.18 for EURUSD

eurI have aleady two trades running in GBP and JPY Pairs, but still have my eye on EURUSD. We dropped almost 70 points from the recent hourly high, but my plan is still the short at 1.18. This could happen by friday. I'll keep you up to date.
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New Position: USDJPY Short Entry

While I'm still waiting for a good entry in EURUSD, I entered a short position for USDJPY a few moments ago. Although the market seems strong, I bet on a double top M formation. Entry was just below 111 and TP is at 108.5-109. Good Luck
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EURUSD Trading Plan for July 2018

Today I was able to post a chart - it contains the graphical represantation of my trading plan, which I outlined yesterday. You probably have too adjust the price scale to sse my target of 1.1200
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