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Short EURUSD start this month

Last week the Fed QE exit tough attitude certainly dominant dollar long-term trend, as shown in the red arrow is the day of Fed rate decision ,so fundamental and technical trends are bearish . Because of Fed decision pressure, and the formation of the gapped points, also the 1.25 as an integer, so I think that has a strong resistance between these two red lines as shown in image .I shorted euro at 1.2480.
summary of reasons:
1. Downward trend
2. Pressure on the Fed decision
3. Gaps provides a…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示

Quadratic function to see technical analysis

It is not strange for each trader to make technical analysis. Almost all traders lean technical analysis from the curious to the familiar, but then, every trader's reaction to vary . Some began specializes in a variety of technical indicators, and some began to study a variety of technology strategy, while others combine with the fundamentals, and some even completely abandoned the technical analysis.
I believe that technical analysis is effective, as we experienced. However, it may be more like…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
VictoriaVika avatar
VictoriaVika 2014年10月20日

Good luck to you :)

peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 2014年10月23日

