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Top 5 things

These are the things that make me feel good:
1. Crochet: crocheting it's an old hobby of mine. I feel myself very relaxed when I crochet
2. To cook: it's a pleasure to hear compliments every time when I cook
3. Chocolate: my favorite desert, recharges my happiness batteries when I need
4. Skype: this software "makes" me feel "good" because I can speak with all the loved people which are far from me
5. A good book: it's always a good method to escape from the real world
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
Golda avatar
Golda 2014年04月06日

книга и шоколад, замечательно!


Man's World

My movie is inspired from a very interesting book called "For Women Only: What You Need to Know About the Inner Lives of Men".
I surely recommend you to read it, you can find there very useful information which is helpful to understand better your partner or your husband.
I hope you will like my video... and the book too
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
Anna_Konoplyastaya avatar
Anna_Konoplyastaya 2014年03月28日


Convallium avatar
Convallium 2014年03月29日



Vote for natural beauty

Nature didn't need an operation to be beautiful. It just was.
Scott Westerfeld

Yes, plastic surgery is MAGIC. But, only in this situations:
The beginning “mission” of the plastic surgery was to help the people that really need HELP. And those are the people that suffered some tragical accidents, or those that were born with big aesthetic problems. The doctors and the inventors from this area deserve all our appreciation and gratitude.
I say NO, for the plastic surgery used for “tuning” or “repai…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示