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Go for the Gold!

We all know that athletes have good health, endurance, resistance to stress. Maybe we should try a new sport at the Games? For example, skydiving. It is impossible to say that this is an easy sport, it requires attentiveness, rapid reaction and the desire to thrill. Also, it is very entertaining and exciting for spectators sport, no one wants to look away when in the sky floating hundreds of colorful parachutes. So I think it would be a great experience for both the participants and for the spec…
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I talked to my friend and asked him a few questions about how he thought about women's life and what our strengths.
What do you think, is it easy to be a woman?
At first it seemed to me yes, but when I started dating a girl and realized that it's not so simple.
What are the advantages of a woman's life compared to the life of men?
Laughing. Men sometimes give place in the bus for women. Just kidding. In fact, I realized that being a woman isn't so easy, I'll never understand these mountains of c…
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Summer Needs to Slow Down

I am truly happy each day of my life, and summer is just a an explosion bright emotions, unexpected solutions, new ideas and experiences. I will never forget this summer because it brought me so much happy moments. Here are some of them: 1. I had reviewed my hobbies and interests, and expand y horizons. 2. I went to another city to study it's splendid architecture and behavior of people. 3. I visited a huge library, where spent a lot of time. 4. I attended the course of bartenders and started to…
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