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Task 18

The book I've read the most is Isaac Asimov 's "Foundation." I really like how it goes through the time and different characters are getting to the answers slow, with baby steps. Then I first read it, at the last page I was thinking 'Whoa.." , how was I this stupid, because the answer was in front of me, at first 10.pages of the book. Then I've read it once again, and more and more...I really like to re-read all the details. This book made me see those little details, to hear every word people …
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First one..

Hellou there...:-)To be honest, that is really the First time I've ever wrote . I mean in blog. And I really have NO idea where to start. So....If you believe in Astrology, then You'll get my full charactirization in two words, Tiger/Lion. Yes, I know..wild kitty :-) But that's me. I really enjoy some lazy afternoons and eat a lot like BIG cat. I prefer meat when I eat. So go ahead, press dislike or whatever you like, but I am one of the persons who feel weak if I can not get a bite of meat a da…
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Likerty avatar
Likerty 4 sep

I'm Lion too:p Miaurrrr

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