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How to charm me?

I am not the kind of girl, who falls in love from the first sight, so it is not so easy to charm me.
I am not interested in a Prince Charming, I am intereted in:
  • A beautiful soul
  • Charisma
  • Honesty

All the girls when they were small watched the cartoons or read books about cinderella and sleeping beauty. Honestly, I didn't like these books and I hated the cartoons. I found everything irritating and stupid in these stories starting with the behavior of the princesses and finishing with their princes.…
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Jignesh avatar
Jignesh 17 mai

Nice to hear you were supporting him.  I think all men do a bit better in every aspect of their lives when they have a woman supporting them.

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The Story of my Life, that had just began

I truly believe, I am the luckiest person in the world! The reason for that is that I am still pretty young, but I already had so many amazing events in my life, that not every adult could say he had as much for his whole life.
I was born in Moscow, Russia. Since the age of 2 I was traveling all around the globe! My first trip was to South Africa and since then I have never stopped traveling!
When I was 4 years old, my mother brought me to the ice rink and I liked it so much, that I decided that…
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nastiatru avatar

Wow! Impressing!

Anires_Konrad avatar

Всегда держись этого курса, может это откроет в твоей жизни "новую" Америку)Твоя история вдохновляет)

beautifulskater avatar

Спасибо! Обязательно буду!

Nadin5794 avatar

профессиональные спортсмены обладают поистине олимпийской волей к жизни и достижениям...все бы так)..

Olga18375 avatar

Круто! Молодец!!)

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