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GBP/USD up to 1.54

GBP/USD is bound to retest the 1.54 level after a nice fall hours ago. I am not sure about the exact drawdown - which might be big, but in my view the retest 1.54 is very highly likely and I am long GBP/USD as of the time of this post.
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pipx avatar
pipx 20 fév

Great analysis, I have lost enough on GBP/USD this month. I am taking a break from it

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GBP/USD downwards

GBP/USD is very highly likely to touch 1.54 within 2 days. Red line is the selling leve. Blue line is the next possible buying level at 1.54
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Fall of the USD/JPY

Strong resistance at 1119.40 level will lead to the retest of the long-term buying level at 118.50 despite the recent BOJ news on continuation of the quantitative easing program:
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Vasyl avatar
Vasyl 18 fév

reshat tebe :) posmotresh do kontsa nedeli shto budet :)

Brus avatar
Brus 18 fév

ну у меня евро/йена куплена на всякий пажарный)

Vasyl avatar
Vasyl 18 fév

eur/jpy eto plohoy variant

Brus avatar
Brus 18 fév

покупка бакса тоже)

Vasyl avatar
Vasyl 19 fév

nu kak Brus segodnya 119.18 pochti 119.20...

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