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آخرین 3 بلاگ نمایش بلاگ


A friend in need's a friend indeed

In our world there are many people who need our help and support, but not the least need it and our smaller brothers! We often do not pay attention to the yard animals, stray dogs and cats, but like the others, they, too, need our care, they can also be grateful for the assistance, food and warmth, presented to you, as anyone close to you people! Now I live in the house 2 cats, but recently, the fate presented me with a gift in the form of five wonderful babies, I do not quite know how the rest …
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Olga18375 avatar
Olga18375 7 سپتامبر

oh very cute cats)

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A friend in need's a friend indeed

Все прекрасно знают, что молодые родители-это большая ответсвенность, а если еще родители и работают,приходится очень несладко! В подобной ситуации оказался мой брат и его жена, поэтому, я с радостью занимаю должность няньки и провожу время с прекрасной принцессой
Everyone knows that young parents is a big responsibility, and even if the parents and work, we have a very hard time! In a situation like this was my brother and his wife, so I am happy to have worked as a nanny and spend time with a …
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