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Fundamentals played a role by pushing the price down to 13.41, firstly it was the meeting minutes between the new South African finance minister with Investors which saw the ZAR gain strength from 13.71 to 13.61 after the minister showed some confidence to the investors. The second was the statement from the Us President about the dollar and Yellen which made the US dollar loose strength and push the ZAR to 13.41 overnight. I am still short term bullish on this pair due to the politics that is c…
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13.75 was broken and as predicted the price is now at 13.71. I do not hold a view of seeing the price going down further for now. I have a long position with my target at 13.81.
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13.95 resisted the price and it reversed back and touched 13.76,if 13.75 is broken we may see it reach 13.71 before a reversal. will be using the price action on 5 and 15 minutes to look for possible longs back to 13.80-90.
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