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Long NZD

My technical indicators are showing short to mid term strength in the nzd currency. So far price action shows no reason to close the trades early, but to let them hit my price targets. If the price action starts to show strong downward spikes in price then ill close early. Good luck.
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JPY weakness

A few of the trades I have ordered today are based on the fact my indicators indicate that JPY is at a point of resistance that will be very hard to break through. Of course, these areas can see alot of consolidation, so I'm going to pay close attention to see if there are any quick spikes upward, which would mean I could move my TP target out a little more. Right now, I'm keep profits tight. Cant go broke making a profit.
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GBP Strong Resistance

According to my indicators, the GBP is looking at some long term resistance that has been established over a lengthy period of time. Enough time that I see no way it can avoid at least bouncing nicely off it. I'm not even going to attempt to try to predict whether it can break it or not. My indicators showed almost the exact same thing for AUD/USD, so I took a large position in that also.
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