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Risk Free Trading

Hello Traders
Even though orders quality is limited in the contest and we get penalised for moving our stops and take profit, it remains imperative to move take profits for more and stops to break even.
The old adage "keep your stops tight and let your profits run" is truly the difference between success and failure.
Always remember there can never be and will never be a better deal than a risk free trade, and this is only possible in the Forex. Free money can and does happen - but that can only…
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verindur avatar

Waiting for the next great opportunity is what makes trading beautiful and worthwhile, after all nobody really respects gamblers, do they? - Perfectly said and a point worth attention.

Airmike avatar
Airmike 7 Oct

your risk free model is not risk free :D

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Orders Quality

Hi Traders
This month I will win the traders contest because I have to win and secondly because I deserve to win. My Goal is 2 Million.
I have been trading for 5 years. I have lost almost everything I have owned due to getting involved in the wrong relationships and trades. I lost my house and my car and everything else right down to my last cent. Of Course I still have my clothes Every trade you take is your relationship with the market; As we all know bad company corrupts good ha…
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samme avatar
samme 1 Dic

Hope you do win..................

Giorgio3 avatar

Thank you samme

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GBPCHF 100 Pips

GBPCHF offering a nice 100 pips
In the image you can see the bounce at the 4 Hour. and a nice upswing.
Stops - 1.53377
Take profit 1.54746
My pride got the better of me yesterday when things when drastically bad. I held onto GBPAUD in the buy zone and I was selling. Well what a silly thing to do and a huge lesson learnt.
All the best traders.
See you at the top
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