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The grand total

Year 2016 is about to end and very soon we will welcome Year 2017 however, before anything else. I would like to say gazillion thank you to everyone who become a part of my life not only this year but ever since I was born, for those who remain in my side no matter what it takes. I am out of words to say how much you all meant to me. This year was a mixed of failures and success yet I always managed to stay positive to everything and just keep fighting for what is right and what we all deserve.…
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k_morocco avatar
k_morocco 21 كانون الاول

happy new year

Mani avatar
Mani 21 كانون الاول


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Art quest

It was fine afternoon when we decided to visit a very nice 3D Art Museum just 45mins away from our home. At first, we thought that it is not very economical to visit it and spend each PHP 500 peso for an entrance but when we get there, everything was paid off. You know why? Here are some photos I've took from the museum that is called "ART IN ISLAND."
During our visit here, there are lots of children who are in their school field trips and they are all very happy taking different post in each pa…
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الترجمة الى الانجليزية اظهار الاصلي
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