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EURUSD-where is the roof?

EURUSD still climbing up and up, and bears becoming unpacient, but bulls still alive , and logical question where is the roof? Fairlly speaking seems roof is not built and pair can go up till Fundamentals will start show US economy strengh and EUR zone weakness, as seems other factors are not anymore afecting much the market . It is logical to expect resistance levels of former highs, but current trend do not show signs of respect to them . Still we are in range of consolidation, as highs…
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Today EURUSD keeps slowlly looking up and seems 1.13 level could be ideal pre FED rate decision, but it could move higher too as today Durable Goods orders could push it higher. Why up? Taking in cosideration yesterdays US Home sales data, which was negative, following conclusion is - less durable goods sales, as new homes are needed to grow them. I would be suprised if with negative home sales durable goods will be growing. Therefore Bullish outlook for this pair for today is viable trad…
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الترجمة الى الانجليزية اظهار الاصلي
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Monday, new week, but only one event will drives pait this week FED interest rate decion, while other will be juts disturbance on chart, still what to trade. Now we are 1.1250/60 level which seems resistance wich could probably will reamain unbroken today, as generally trend is bearish. On 1H chart we are under 50 sma , toching KS on Ichimoku , but not breaking it, which could be good entry point of sell now.
While RSI shows break up from last week, which could indicate the bulls moveme…
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الترجمة الى الانجليزية اظهار الاصلي
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