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I am back!

The 2019 has started! The new year, which will be full of magic and happiness! Happy New Year everyone! Let all you dreams to come true this year! Set the right goals in order those dreams will appear live! That is what I decided to start with... One of my dreams is to visit Switzerland
As for myself, I decided that I want to start my year 2019 with the goal to achieve my previous years goals, that I could not achieve before - and one of them was to compete in Miss Dukasopy, create a wonderful …
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brunotoday avatar
brunotoday 24 شباط

Ohhh, it's really a beautiful motivation. I wish you all the luck to accomplish your goal!!

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Let’s get started!

Раз уж в этом посте мне следует рассказать о себе - то я лучше всего сделаю это на родном мне языке! Итак, начнем!
Меня зовут Анастасия Сиднева и мне 21. Родилась я в России. Если углубиться в далекое прошлое, то я могу с гордостью сказать, что у меня было очень яркое, счастливое и жизнерадостное детство.
Моя мама говорит, что танцевать я научилась быстрее, чем говорить ахах. Именно поэтому, когда мне было 6 лет меня отдали в кружок Бально-Спортивных танцев. Мне очень нравилось, я даже получила
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الترجمة الى الانجليزية اظهار الاصلي
Anastasia_Sidneva avatar
Anastasia_Sidneva 13 كانون الثاني

Viktoria_Kapitonova you are right but I cant definetly say that I am already the one who I dreamed to be... I am on the process to become... one day XoXo
Btw, what about you? R u satisfied your life?????

Viktoria_Kapitonova avatar
Viktoria_Kapitonova 13 كانون الثاني

Anastasia_Sidneva thanks for asking me! As for me, I believe that "there is no limits to perfection", so doesn't matter what I have/can now, I can always do better (have more).. So, I would strive for better things and maybe then would be completely satisfied <3

Anastasia_Sidneva avatar
Anastasia_Sidneva 13 كانون الثاني

Viktoria_Kapitonova I like the way you are thinking!!! Good luck!!! I belive that with the way you are striving for better life and things - you will achieve a lot! It was my pleasure to chat with you nut i have to leave! Chao!

Viktoria_Kapitonova avatar
Viktoria_Kapitonova 13 كانون الثاني

Anastasia_Sidneva my pleasure!!! bye bye :*

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 18 كانون الثاني

Very concise self introduction Anastasia :)))

أولترك تعليق

Waiting for a miracle

New Year’s Eve is one of the most wonderful and magnificent holidays!
This is the holiday which is celebrated by people from around the world!
All countries and all people have their own different traditions.
In my family New Year holiday trumps even Christmas in importance.
The celebration occurs on December 31/January 1. Fireworks and concerts mark this holiday. My family is usually preparing special dishes as salads, special sandviches, snaks with red wish and etc... The table is always full
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الترجمة الى الانجليزية اظهار الاصلي
RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 9 كانون الثاني

Belated merry X'mas and a happy and successful new year :))

fx211pips avatar
fx211pips 13 كانون الثاني

there's nothing like xmas

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