
nippur72 wrote a comment in the Article Contest

ok, thanks for the clarification. I like your articles on neural networks, I hope you post more articles.

olga created a new article

Predicting the Future

21 Nov

nippur72 wrote a comment in the Article Contest

The reason why you are able to predict "high to high" and not "close to close" IMHO is very simple: when you predict "high to high" you are not forecasting the future,...
21 Nov

nippur72 wrote a comment in the Article Contest

how do you calculate "p", is it just the sum of theorical profit at day 0 + profit at day 1 + .. + 9 ? e.g. if r[t] are the returns at day t, for(t=0;t<9;t++) p+= r[t] > 0 ? r[t]...

olga created a new article

Predicting the Future

16 Nov

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22 Ott