
Natalia_Kisenko won a prize position in the Community predictions

Congratulations, Natalia_Kisenko has finished 2nd in the Community predictions, 1st July, 2022 - 31st July, 2022, and...
18 Ago

Natalia_Kisenko registered for Strategy

6 Lug

Natalia_Kisenko won a prize position in the Community predictions

Congratulations, Natalia_Kisenko has finished 4th in the Community predictions, 1st June, 2022 - 30th June, 2022, and...
4 Lug

Natalia_Kisenko won a prize position in the Community predictions

Congratulations, Natalia_Kisenko has finished 4th in the Community predictions, 1st May, 2022 - 31st May, 2022, and won ...
4 Lug