Блог veronika_deva

Lucky finding or the biggest regret
My last purchase was Louboutin shoes. This excellent shoes. I have long dreamed about them. And I have to say, this purchase was worth the money I spent. I'm very convenient and comfortable to them. They fit into any clothes, and onions. Now they are not interchangeable in my wardrobe!

Go Hard or Go Home!
Now I am a student. But my hobby does not interfere with my studies. I do business model and a good dance. I am very sociable, so I have many friends and acquaintances in the modeling community. For me it is very important to be in the spotlight, and to learn as much as possible about what I'm occupying constantly improve. I like to go to parties where you can meet interesting and different people, make good friends.

Go for the Gold!
Olympians support is very important! After all, our athletes are the honor of our country! They need that we are support and look at them, experiencing together.
I prefer to jog in the morning or in the evening. It helps me to maintain my figure and health in good shape)
I prefer to jog in the morning or in the evening. It helps me to maintain my figure and health in good shape)

To buy or not to buy…?
I like to read magazines and newspapers. In our world, everything is in electronic form. But leafing through the pages, feeling its smell, matter, it does not replace the Internet. And the vision when reading a magazine or newspaper does not deteriorate. And I say to buy!

The '90s are back!
The saying “what goes around comes around” may be intended to describe karma but it also works perfectly to describe the cycle of fashion. Trends and styles that were once considered modern and daring eventually become old and ugly, only to be reborn and re-worn decades later. Less than 20 years later, fashion that was considered cool in the 90s is cool once again. Whether it’s on the catwalk, on the street or in the stores, 90s trends are appearing everywhere. I prefer bright colors with large …

Drink and Go!
In the heat we drink much more active: our body "afraid" overheated and cooled by the evaporation of sweat, losing not only water but also mineral salts and water-soluble vitamins. For this you need a drink, but do not forget to fill leachable elements. It can be in drinking water add sea salt or drink mineral water without gas. In addition to the water on your health in the heat will affect the diet. With temperatures approaching the 30 you need to first give up red meat, white meat, after, aft…

To Love or to Be Loved?
In an ideal world we would love and be loved in equal measure. Unfortunately, we often love someone who doesn’t love us as much and in the same way in return. Love is a compex yet simple mechanism. If being loved makes you feel elated, making someone feel loved gives you double amount of joy as well. If you do not "love someone", it doesn't matter how many people "love" you--you will not feel their love as more than an ego boost.It is more important to love than to be loved, for only by loving c…

Fake Chic
В вещах я ценю качество! Даже если вещь не знаменитого бренда, но хорошего качества и дизайна, то она не уступает бренду! Никто не буде срывать с вас одежду и смотреть на лейб одежды и осуждать, что это не бренд. Конечно приятно когда у тебя оригиналы вещей! Но не всегда мы можем себе это позволить. Можно купить дорогие и брендовые вещи, но при это выглядеть безвкусно! Важно, что был вкус и умение подбирать вещи по сочетанию.…

Be Awesome Today!
Перед важным событием я всегда делаю:
1. Увлажняющую маску для лица и легкий пиллинг
2. Делаю маникюр и педикюр
3. Принимаю ванную с маслами
4. Подготавливаю волосы(питаю маслами, накручиваю или выпрямляю)
5. Подбираю одежду и макияж, чтобы все сочиталось
1. Увлажняющую маску для лица и легкий пиллинг
2. Делаю маникюр и педикюр
3. Принимаю ванную с маслами
4. Подготавливаю волосы(питаю маслами, накручиваю или выпрямляю)
5. Подбираю одежду и макияж, чтобы все сочиталось

Hey! I am better than football!
Надо всегда разделять интересы любимого человека. Я не особо люблю футбол, но всегда интересуюсь, какая команда играет какой счет, ведь проявляя интерес, человеку приятно. Я уверена что не все интересы девушек нравятся парням) но всегда надо идти на уступки и компромиссы) ведь это залог крепких и долгих отношений)…