Victoria_Crowmberg's Blog

Me and Mrs world, Alysa krilova

Whats going on in syria????
That is unbelievable how Americans invade to the other countries!!!!

Love or money
People often say that they can live their life happily if it is filled with love and that they can live without money. But when we go deeper into this statement it proves to be false. It is true that money cannot buy love and happiness but money certainly can buy things through which an individual can express his or her love and also buy essential stuff which would make them happy. There is a famous saying “It is better to cry in a BMW rather than on a cycle”. This statement is indeed true. It i…

Photo bombs)
Hello) HOW ARE YOU doing??? I am very very busy these days. Have to deal with so much stuff. But I never forget about Miss Dukascopy Better late than never...Even so the size is not too big, but it is a part of my little dreams.)Have a good week!)V.C.

Photo bombs)
Hello) HOW ARE YOU doing??? I am very very busy these days. Have to deal with so much stuff. But I never forget about Miss Dukascopy Better late than never...Even so the size is not too big, but it is a part of my little dreams.)Have a good week!)V.C.

Being an entrepreuner
hello) How is life? I hope you are fine. ok, let's start to write and to think what being an entrepreuner means for me First of all, being an entrepreuner means being successfull and independent. Even if you lose the whole deal, you are still successfull cause you were courage enough to take that risk. And what life is without the taking risk. And that is the second point:Having courage and perseverance are characteristics that attract me to being an entrepreneur. I do not like taking the easy r…

Beautiful Faces!
amazing faces in my opinion

My fav Looks!
Russian IT Girls. I adore fashion, what can I say?)

Shoes must have this season!
I love them!!! Nb one in my wish list)Gianvitto Rossi)

What is in my purse?
Well, I am kinda late for that task((( But still wanna get my 10 points!!! heheThese days were sick and traveled to home... No more internet, only books! Finally, got a chance to visit my page.Better to be late than never...As you might see, there are many things in my handbag: sunglasses (as I always forget to get them out), mineral water - my favourite one, Mac foundation, Chanel powder, mentos, dietic cookies and new cosmetics (as I love to buy cosmetics very often)!!! And of, course, I-phone…