Hara_Chak's Blog


5 Stylish Tricks

Hello there! They say Fashion says "me too" Style says "only me".... So, style is something that defines each one of us. I try to follow fashion but make it with my own style.
I never leave my house without these five things:
1. My best smile which is my everyday makeup since l don't use makeup for my everyday life... A happy face and a positive spirit is all we need to have a fresh face, and look attractive and beautiful.
2. My favorite lip balm in a strawberry color which keeps my lips juicy a…
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Mariia avatar
Mariia 27 Maio

Nice advices! But what about me, I can not wear a watch, I like to feel my hands free (as well as rings and bracelets, it's not mine)

Hara_Chak avatar
Hara_Chak 27 Maio

Well in that case I would advice you to have your nails clean and well shaped. Personally, I don't like long nails, but I like nice colours on them :) Summer is loading, so we have a huge range of colors to choose Mariia! :D

Mariia avatar
Mariia 27 Maio

Absolutely agree with you Hara_Chak !!!!Manicure it is that thing without which I can't....for every woman it's important!!!Yes!Yes!Yes!

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Relax, take it easy

Everyone faces some bad days for different reasons that make our mood really bad. Ater a really bad day l prefer to go to a candy shop, buy some sweets and mini chocolates and go to my all time favorite shelter, the harbor of my soul, where l find my smile and my good mood in the arms and the smile of my very special friends. True love can heal everything. I am sharing with you one of the many photos with my besties
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uber avatar
uber 8 Jun

Definitely chocolate because: "Chocolate doesn't ask silly questions, chocolate understands". )))

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 25 Dez

I like to be alone somewhere to calm my spirit

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Pimp my ride

If l were a car i believe that would be the new Aston Martin Vanquish. As a former tennis player l love sports, speed and aerodynamics. This car also expresses my character and personality. Strong, reliable, high quality and will never let you down. It may be expensive to buy, but it is loyal, keeps you safe and offers you plenty of luxury and many other extras in comparison to other cars. Only the rich people can own it , only people with a rich heart can have my friendship. The real gold is in…
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uber avatar
uber 8 Jun

So true!!!!!

PerfomA avatar
PerfomA 20 Jul

Marriage does not make sense for smart and stingy man
Because women become like car
Expensive as wine ages
also become extremely costly
But they give pleasure decreases

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Let’s get started!

Hey there! My name is Hara and l am from Xanthi, a beautiful town in north Greece. I am an Msc Environmental Engineer, professional model, and an english teacher. I've always liked helping others, so l am member of the Red Cross Save And Rescue Team, a lifeguard with a speciality in disabled ppl and children. I spend most of my free time with children with Down Syndrome or working volunteering at the ER at the local hospital. I also organize charity basketball tournaments to help people or group…
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Hara_Chak avatar

Hello! Well, I have almost no free time, but they say when you love what you do, you always find time and make time. :)

Eumelus avatar
Eumelus 8 Abr

Hara: WOMAN + Human = Miss Dukascopy 2015!

Hara_Chak avatar

Thank you for your kind words Eumelus

uber avatar
uber 8 Jun

Totally Agree! People find time for what they love! )

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 25 Dez

Woman of many talents and interest :))

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