rh6899's Blog

BREXIT is not as scary at all
compare to SNB Jordan ECB Draghi FED Yellen/ Ben B or US job/ NFP or Japan Intervention/statement , BREXIT issue feels nothing maybe because the margin on broker is settle, and it could take a week my broker said.

Most of the time when after DOW MARKET OPEN the graph lagging or worst freeze and sometime need to reset the computer because the computer also freeze; Onetime it goes blue screen.
Only 3 Pair present but actually 18 pairs is observe
Most of the time when after DOW MARKET OPEN the graph lagging or worst freeze and sometime need to reset the computer because the computer also freeze; Onetime it goes blue screen.
Only 3 Pair present but actually 18 pairs is observe

Will NZDJPY hit 70.85?
to reach that point NZDJPY must down fast plus USDJPY also down or NZDUSD crash and USDJPY sideway at current level or NZDUSD sideway at current level and USDJPY crash more OR that number will never be hit
it seems like NZDUSD BULL is just a bias 2 most liquid currency USD and JPY vs NZD (more likely NZDUSD crash)
to reach that point NZDJPY must down fast plus USDJPY also down or NZDUSD crash and USDJPY sideway at current level or NZDUSD sideway at current level and USDJPY crash more OR that number will never be hit
it seems like NZDUSD BULL is just a bias 2 most liquid currency USD and JPY vs NZD (more likely NZDUSD crash)

Tangle lines of trio most traded currencies

Lets test this tangle line for weeks a head
this week i try to focus with these pairs; to watch tangle line for 8 currencies (28 pairs) only give me heavy headache
this week i try to focus with these pairs; to watch tangle line for 8 currencies (28 pairs) only give me heavy headache

Confirm and will might be confirm soon
confirmed and will might be confirmed soon
crossed and will might be crossed soon
waiting confirmed and crossed happen is exhausted (who said it is a fun job? there is no fun in any job)
hoping will might be confirmed soon or will might be crossed soon is expensive (this must be the first lesson for a trader and must be train for this condition a trader must pass this test first)
when it is confirmed or crossed but not perform this can be fix and we spot it soon
crossed and will might be crossed soon
waiting confirmed and crossed happen is exhausted (who said it is a fun job? there is no fun in any job)
hoping will might be confirmed soon or will might be crossed soon is expensive (this must be the first lesson for a trader and must be train for this condition a trader must pass this test first)
when it is confirmed or crossed but not perform this can be fix and we spot it soon

Another crazy way to use fibonacci
which one tend to hit 161 ?
the market is always right and only me that sometimes right and mostly wrong to conclude the market
the market is always right and only me that sometimes right and mostly wrong to conclude the market

Tangled thread
seems danger to long "USDJPY" weeks ahead