Gaby1's Blog


My journal

Hello traders!
In tomorrows eco calendar will be some interesting BOJ(yen) news:
01:50 Boj Bank lending (YoY)
01:50 BOJ Summary of Opinions
01:50 Trade Balance - BOP Basis
01:50 Current Account n.s.a.
07:00 Eco Watchers Survey: Outlook 50.9
07:00 Eco Watchers Survey: Current
The yen is on a very nice 4h downtrend currently, so my bet will be on short. If i actually will stay up to trade asia, i will be looking for resistance, wich is around 112.5 to sell into it.
Goodluck and good trade!
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My journal

Hello traders!
Today as i'm checking my economic calendar, i cant see any significant news at all, so a pretty low volatility is expected. Theres an fomc speech at 10 pm, but i dont really trade the end of the day, so i'll probably will give up on it. But lets take a look on our old friend, the usdx. On the daily chart it bounced from a significant resistance and ranging at that level. The trend is still up so it keeps me on a general bullish bias. So i'm going to be looking for sells in the maj…
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My journal

Hello traders!
The 1st week of the competition is over. Been interesting, sliding up and down between 5 to 15th place, so definatly not boring. Most of my predictions and journal posts were pretty accurate so pat on the back
But enough babbling, lets take a look at the coming week. The daily usdx chart made a big retracement, but bounced of from novembers gap and still is on the upside. we might see a reversal in my opinion. well, time will tell.
Happy weekend!
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My journal

Hello traders!
3rd day of the current competition, and it seems interesting. In about 15 min the us non farm payrolls are about to take place. This is probably one of the most important event of the month, a truly volatile period. As we can see by the current 4h usdx chart, its still on a downtrend, so probabilities should go to the down side. Will be looking for support levles to bet against.
good luck and good trade!
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My journal

Hello everybody!
As it currently seems from the daily usdx chart, a nice gap area is starting to get filled. the 200 sma is still up, whats classify it as an uptrend. Gaps are usually pretty strong s/r levels, so will look to be on the side of the usd in the coming days.
Good luck and good trade!
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My journal

Hello everybody!
Currently the pound dollar is on a nice daily downtrend, but bouncing on a significant daily support level. If it will challenge the late daily high around the area of 1.238 will look to sell.
Happy new year and goodluck all
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Happy Holidays!

Happy holidays!
Well, i would defiantly advise to stay out of the markets for the holidays, the nice 20-30 pip spreads for the majors seem to concur too.
But still, lets take a look at the Pound, currently trending down very nicely on the 4h chart, and still got like a 100 pip range to move down untill it meets the next support level. After the holidays will look for resistance to sell. For some reason the site does not allow me to upload images today, so i guess i wont
and happy holidays!
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My journal

Hello folks!
Well, about tomorrow. As i'm checking my eco calendar, the only interesting news are on the USD again.(Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index, New Home Sales) And boy, the USDX is definatly putting up a fight lately. Bounced off support as expected y-day. Since the trend is up and there were no significant moves down,i will look to buy with the trend tomorrow.
Happy trading
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My journal

Hi all.
Well in tomorrows calendar the really big news that coming around is the US GDP. The dollar lately only seems to be rising with better and better news,no reson whatsoever to fade a nice ongoing trend,specially after todays bounce from a nice 4 hour support level. Hoping for a nice jump tomorrow too,so will look for respective sells of major currencies at resistance.
Goodluck all, and happy trading
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My journal

Slowly churning higher in the contest placings for now, yay.
But back to trading.The late USDX skyrocketing uptrend and the US interest rate decision propelled the dollar pretty far up. Tomorrow the existing home sales supposed to come out. Since the trend and everything is up, that would mean a nice move down to the major currency pairs, will look to sell at resistance, and buy usd/* currencies at support.
Goodluck and happy trading everybody
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