WizWiz's Blog


Dukascoin today

Hello, community!
Yesterday we were buying Dukascoin for 1.32 euros per token and today price went down even more to 1.31 euros per token. The majority of users 51,92% are keep buying. Yesterday only 56 accounts were open and today we have 51 at the moment. Number of trades also not that great 77 vs 73 yesterday. But trade size today is surprisingly bigger - 7,15 Duk per trade vs yesterday 5,46. I think that tomorrow price will settle at the level 1.33 euros per Duk. And what are ur expectations…
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The Last One

71%Unfortunately the year 2019 wasn’t that bright to me. It turns out unexpectedly bad. I figured out that my partner is cheating on me, learned a lot about narcissists and psychopaths and their manipulations, started emotional detox. Leaving toxic relations not easy, but necessary.
I can enroll to good surprises a fact that finally, I found my calling and things I like to do. This is reading other people souls and destinies helping them out of their troubles. I have completed two stages of Matr…
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EvanPage avatar
EvanPage 13 Ene

WizWiz  I've known you for Years now.. and Knowing You makes me Certain that You will Achieve All of This and More! :)

WizWiz avatar
WizWiz 13 Ene

EvanPage   thank u!

klintons avatar
klintons 26 Mar

good luck !

Mattie avatar
Mattie 7 Sep

So sorry to hear. I hope you heal strong!

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Dukascoin today

Hello, community!
yesterday Dukascoin reach price 1,35 euros for token but today was traded at the level 1,34 euros per token. So we have slight roll back. We had much less MCA accounts opened today and honestly I was waiting for Duk+ to go up to the level 1,4 euros per token. Yesterday we had 80 MCA accounts opened vs 30 today. But it doesn’t impact much on average trade size: 6,57 Duk+ today vs 6,61 Duk+ And number of trades also not much different: 53 trades today vs 59 trades yesterday. So f…
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Dukascoin today

Hello ???? community!
As it was expected, Dukascoin added in the price, so now we are buying 1 token for 1,34 euro. At such level price closed yesterday and so we are trading today at the current moment. We can see that not much MCA accounts were open: 43 yesterday and 30 today. Numbers of trades also not that height: 58 trades yesterday and 20 at the moment. Average trade size was below average yesterday - 5,02 and today it’s around 6,66 but still it’s not end of the day. 62,53 % of people are …
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Dukascoin today

Hello, community!
What is going on with Dukascoin today?
Yesterday price closed at the level 1.32 euro per Duk+ and today so far it’s 1.33 euros per Duk+ again. 61,11% of users are buying Dukascoin. Yesterday were opened 73 MCA accounts and today 0 so far. The marketplace number of trades today is 27 vs 59 yesterday. The average trade size is 5,18 vs 7,43 yesterday. And yes, I think that within next 2 days Dukascoin will reach 1,35 euro per token level. Because as we can see the quantity of MCA …
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Dukascoin today

Hello, community!
After period of nice growth when Duk+ reached price level 1,33 euro per token, it went a bit down again. Yesterday price closed at 1,31 euro per Duk+ and today it is traded at the same level. We have 52,81% of people buying the token, so there should be believe that price will go even higher to 1,4. Yesterday 76 MCA accounts were open and today it’s 24 for now. As about average trade size it went down and yesterday was 10,88 Duk+ per trade. Today we have 11,36 but amount of tra…
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Dukascoin: higher and higher

Hello, friends!
despite my expectations yesterday, today Dukascoin went even higher in price. If yesterday we paid 1.28 euro per token, today it was 1.33 euro!
Also market mood had changed: the majority of users are buying Dukascoin again - 66,65% !!!! At such a high price! Not a big gap between MCA accounts opened: 85 vs 89 today. And average trade size went down as well well as amount of trades. Yesterday we had 111 trades with average size 31,82 Duk+ and today it’s 89 with average trade size …
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Dukascoin today

Hello, community!
The majority of users today are selling Dukascoin and selling for 1,28 euro per token. Yesterday price reached the level 1,29 euro per Duk+ but closed at 1,27 euro per Duk+. So only 48,22% of users buying token right now. Yesterday we had 93 trades with average trade size 11.12 duk+ but today it’s 111 with average trade size... 31.82 Duk+ per trade! So people are selling Duk+ in big amounts. As about MCA accounts opened yesterday and today - the difference not too big: 93 vs 85…
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Dukascoin today

Hello, community!
Dukascoin price at the market today reached 1.29 euros per Dukascoin and it was enough to cause a shift in the market mood. So now we have 47,17 % of users buying the token and the rest is selling it. Today we had 49 MCA accounts opened and it’s very close to yesterday number - 55. Marketplace average trade size for now is around 12,97 Dukascoin per trade which is much more than yesterday 6,69 Dukascoins. Still the main question - will crypto token go up or down is open. Well, …
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Magic Moments

Hello, community!
For me preparations starts at the end of November. First sign of Xmas in my home are fruit vases with traditional for this season tangerines and oranges. Sometimes I am adding Xmas gingerbread.
Next thing are candles with different aromas. Than comer garland of lights - it already with me for few years. It creates the atmosphere of miracles and giving me cozy vibes. When garland is here, it means, time to buy Xmas tree! Already for few years I am buying very small one in the po…
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WizWiz 15 Dic

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