Lyudmyla_Ionova's Blog


Fall 2014: 5 things you can't live without - Ukrainian language

Вітаю дорогу ОСІНЬ!!!!
Багато, хто з людей не люблять цю пору року через погоду, і настрій.
але як на мене настрій створюємо ми кожного дня!! ;-)
Речі, без яких я не можу обійтися в цю пору, звичайно, не матеріальні.
Це, в першу чергу, хороший настрій, цілеспрямованність і стриманність.
Багато що залежить не від нас, коли ми покидаємо поріг нашого дому.
Але все ж таки, я не можу обійтися без тепла.
Тому я пишу список моїх речей))
Теплий одяг - це…
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VictoriaVika avatar

У мене нiколи у життi не було шарфу (ну, скажiмо з тих пiр як я почала обирати собi одяг самостiйно). Я не знаю чому, але менi незручно його носити ))))) Цiкаво бачити що бiльшiсть дiвчат не уявляють як прожити восени без шарфу. Я нiколи до цього не замислювалася над цим питанням :)

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Hi all, my friends!
Experiment with the task of "One Day" I really liked because I had a lot of strange situations with me))
For example, the first:
That day was lunch time, when I read in your e-mail task.
It was a Thursday, a working day.
I work at a boutique lingerie. Accordingly, I've been working a seller should say yes or no to the question of clients.
Well, on one occasion I caught the answer is yes))
One product had no price, and the price of those brassieres that were on the shelves we…
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Hello, my friends ;-)
I liked to be dressed in a dress and skirt!!!
In fact, every day I wore pants and jeans as practicable:
At work, for study, for a walk.
And over time I forgot: What is the dress?
This feminine!!!!! It's beautiful!!!!!
This dress elegantly underlines our beauty.
For all this I had a lot of compliments and a lot of attention))))
However, I was a little cold this week, and I wore warm clothes.
Mood I had a very good ))))
Now my wardrobe is a lot of dresses and this summer…
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Golda avatar
Golda 16 Apr.

Да платье и юбки это хорошо)))

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Tattoos: Hot or Not?

My dear friends!!!
In my piercings and tattoos - it's not just what makes the man.
In the human heart must be clean and opinions. We live in a time when you can do it all, and should be the measure of all things.
That's why everyone needs it to himself to decide whether to do it or not things.
I believe that the human body especially the girls should be clean and gentle.
One of the people differs tattoos, the other - no!
Personally myself I do not want a tattoo and piercing I have in my ears.
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Golda avatar
Golda 16 Apr.

пирсинг и тату - делать или нет,дело лично каждого)

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Plastic Surgery or Natural Beauty

Hello, my friends!
"God gives you one face and you create another." - these are the words of Shakespeare. He's right.
Appearance - our Business Card. We need to look good and our appearance should reflect our inner state.
Everyone has the right to choose what she wanted or like.
If a person has some shortcoming and wants to have cosmetic surgery, why not?
What matters is that she was happy!
No perfectly nice people, perfectly reasonable, perfectly cheerful, resourceful perfect,
just …
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