
按标签筛选:  Zig Zag Pattern

AUDusd in 1 august

Платформи: JForex3,MT4
графіки : день, H4 при необхідності і ще менші таймфрейми
Анализ ведеться по спрощеному методу хвильового аналізу з використанням 3х хвильових зігзагів на різних
графіках не заглиблюючись в давню історію котіровок. Як додаткові інструменти використовуються аналізи: патернів, рівнів Фібоначчі, Sma100, Sma200, лінійний регресійний канал.
Target = 0.7369
Недільний графік:
Перше завдання яке я поставив собі це вияснити завершений цей відкат з 2015 року як повна хвиля ( …
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salamandra avatar
salamandra 24 7月

В даний момент ціна на рівні 0.7405 Зараз ситуація де планується розгалуження по валютних парах на деяку  перспективу середньострокового масштабу. Валютні пари замерли в очікуванні і допрацюванні іншими своїх цілей.  Свої осікування я описував раніше. Ось і побачимо що нас чекає. Бажано очікувати і не спішити з входами в ринок саме зараз.

salamandra avatar
salamandra 25 7月

Ринки в очікуванні завтрашніх новин з ЄС. Процентна ставка і протокол засідання по кредитно-грошовій політиці це ті моменти на які ринок впродовж цього тижня чекає. Рух завмер і тільки після цих новин відбудеться його пожвавлення. Ціна за ці два дні майже не помінялась. Вийшовши на рівень 0.7412 до  цілі рукою подати з рухом в один день.

salamandra avatar
salamandra 27 7月

Як і очікувалось ЄЦБ не буде міняти процентної ставки. А це укріплення долара і пониження валют проти долара. Цей процес не буде досить тривалим, але через дату конкурсу повинен пройти. Ціна 0.7404 наблизилась в напрямку прогнозу. 

salamandra avatar
salamandra 30 7月

Ціна 0.7408 це не далеко від прогнозу і старт на пониження може пройти в любий момент
На це вказує індикатор, це на часі. Я не говорю про зміну напрямку хоча і цей варіант можливий. А от відкат в 40-50 пунктів це те що мені потрібно, це те що мені може запропоеувати зараз ринок.


Losses End for the Euro

The losses for the Euro have come to an end. Exhibit A, look at the daily chart below. For the past three months, we've been range-bound in this currency pair.
Things don't look better if we drill down to the 4 Hour chart. Notice the directionless zig-zag movement here. First down, then up, the down again and recently up again. This indicates that there's no clear trend on the lower time-frames.
With both the long-term and the short-term charts signalling range, I'm betting on prices staying nea…
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fxsurprise8 avatar

UPDATE 1: Time for a chart update! The pair followed the expected scenario of mean reversion this month. Initially we rallied all the way to a high of 1.0906.

But these gains were soon erased as you can see on the chart above. We closed on Friday at 1.0652, only 80 pips above the monthly open.

This is only 65 pips away from my forecasted price. Hopefully the downward drift continues for another half day on Monday to bring me even closer!


AUDNZD in 1 December

1.- Weekly Chart
На недільному графіку валютної пари ціна знаходиться в корекційному русі, про що більш детально на денному. Мої цілі на можливу перспективу на малюнку.
2. DailyChart
На денному графіку йде корекція по хвилі росту. Я показав лініями Фібоначчі можливі цілі. В моєму баченні це може бути і остання хвиля росту типу зігзаг, а може ще і ускладнитись, тоді по часу вона затягнеться на довше. В загальному картину я можу бачити такою як на малюнку. Ціну в такому випадку готовий зустрічат…
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salamandra avatar
salamandra 11 11月

Ціна 1.0590 Завершена коррекція і ціна повинна рухатись вверх. Волотильність руху повинна підтвердити що спростувати можливість сильної 3ї ( чи С ) хвилі в бай. Якщо буде така хвиля, то буде бай, але не буде мого прогнозу на ціль 1.0639 і близько. Ціну тоді треба чекати десь в районі 1.10 чи того вище.

salamandra avatar
salamandra 19 11月

Ціна 1.0446 Перший виток після корекційного росту вже відбувся і тепер на черзі сильно волотильний рух вверх. Відчуваю, що ціну 1.0639 потрібно було піднімати вище. Але те що виставив уже виставлено. 

salamandra avatar
salamandra 27 11月

Ціна 1.0548 Це добре, що ціна ще  очікує сильні рухи. Шанси на досягнення прогнозованої величини зростають. Бичий варіант в мене перспективніший і як по графіку в приоритеті. Збільшення волотильності також на часі. Одна фігура в 100 пунктів і ціна на порозі прогнозу.

salamandra avatar
salamandra 29 11月

Ціна 1.0501 є надія, що корекція  завершена ітепер рух тільки в напрямку прогнозу. Добре якщо не зросте сильно волотильність. Тоді прогноз може бути і достатньо  близьким. 


AUD/CAD Elliott Wave Analysis.

Based on the Elliott Wave analysis AUD/CAD is headed much more lower (see Figure 1). We're in a very complex corrective pattern which suggest lower prices in the weeks and months ahead.Right now we're forming a double zig-zag pattern of lesser degree which is based on the wave X connector of higher degree which should end near the 50 fib retracement at around the 0.8000 big round number.
Major Levels to watch:
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Daytrader21 avatar
Daytrader21 25 10月

Update 1: We're still below the big psychological number 0.9500 as we weren't able to have a weekly close above this level suggesting the bears may still be in control. For coming week that level should provide resistance and to the downside the first level of support comes at 0.9400 where price can see a pause before going further down

Daytrader21 avatar

Update 2: After another retest of the 0.9500 resistance level we finally got a strong reaction and sold off again retesting the 0.9300 support level. We can't rule out a retest of the 50% fib retracement from the 0.9580 highs before to continue lower again.

Daytrader21 avatar

Update 3: It seems that the market has established a new range zone. This range zone is much more narrowed between 0.9300 support level and 0.9445 resistance level. Until we can get a break and a daily close above either of this two levels we're stuck inside this range and there is no clear direction.

Daytrader21 avatar
Daytrader21 15 11月

Update 4: We broke above the 0.9445 pivot point and resistance level but the big round number and psychological figure 0.9500 has been proving a much more better resistance level as we weren't able to post a weekly close above that level. For the coming week we should see 0.9500 act as resistance and we should see a retest of 0.9400 and lower.


AUD/CAD Elliott Wave Count

Based on the Elliott Wave analysis AUD/CAD is headed much more lower (see Figure 1). We're in a very complex corrective pattern which suggest lower price in the weeks and months ahead.Right now we're forming a double zig-zag pattern of lesser degree which is based on the wave X connector of higher degree which should end near the 50 fib retracement at around the 0.8000 big round number.
Major Levels to watch:
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Daytrader21 avatar

Update 5: Right now we have retested the resistance level at 0.9380 but we have gone up until the round number 0.9400 and beyond, however if we can't get a daily close above this level we can turn back and retest support level at 0.9320.

WallStreet6 avatar

Great forecast! One day to go and less than 100 pips away. It can still get closer! Too bad the Aussie came back above 0.70. I was also anticipating further depreciation of the Aussie.

Daytrader21 avatar

Update 6: As expected we close below the round number 0.9400 as well as below key resistance level 0.9380. Currently we're trading only 16 pips away from my target and tomorrow trading range looks straight forward as we have resistance at 0.9380 which I'm expect to be retested and from there to be heading down towards support level of 0.9320. My forecast price is right in the middle at 0.9344

WallStreet6 avatar

This is really close to your target. You should make a nice win with this one. Good Luck!

Joe_Vulcan avatar
Joe_Vulcan 15 10月

Elliot waves are the most accurate forecast tools. Can't live without them.


AUD/CAD Elliott Wave Analysis

Based on the Elliott Wave analysis AUD/CAD is headed much more lower (see Figure 1). We're in a very complex corrective pattern which suggest lower price in the weeks and months ahead.Right now we're forming a double zig-zag pattern of lesser degree which is based on the wave X connector of higher degree which should end near the 50 fib retracement at around the 0.8000 big round number.
Major Levels to watch:
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Daytrader21 avatar

Update 2: This morning we have just touched our target at 0.9520. However this may be just a false breakout  as we're still moving inside a range zone between 0.8400 support zone and 0.8500 big figure and resistance zone

Daytrader21 avatar

Update 3: This pair has found resistance at 0.9620 but the fact that we couldn't break and close below the big round number 0.9500 it can suggest that we can see another retest of current high at around the 0.9600 level before to resume down and heading back towards our target at 0.9520

Daytrader21 avatar

Update 4: We're still trapped inside a wide range between 0.9400 support level and 0.9630 resistance level. Last week sell of stopped right at big round number 0.9500 and we couldn't break below it, this means we should see another attempt to retest previous high at 0.9600 before moving down again.

WallStreet6 avatar

great use of Elliot's waves and Fibonacci- my fav instruments!

Mariia avatar
Mariia 2 8月

good analysis Daytrader21


AUD/CAD New Trend in the Making

Based on the Elliott Wave analysis AUD/CAD is headed much more lower (see Figure 1). We're in a very complex corrective pattern which suggest lower price in the weeks and months ahead.Right now we're forming a double zig-zag pattern of lesser degree which is based on the wave X connector of higher degree which should end near the 50 fib retracement at around the 0.8000 big round number.
Major Levels to watch:
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Daytrader21 avatar

Update 1: We have yet to break below they key support level and previous swing low at 0.9400. However because this level has been retested for so many times it has been weakening and it should soon start to give up. First we need a break below key big figure 0.9500 before to see the downside momentum to build up

Daytrader21 avatar

Update 2: We have still not brake below 0.9400 major support level. However the upside seems caped at 0.9550. We should see more downside next week and another attempt to break the key support.

Daytrader21 avatar

Update 3: The market was still unabled to break below key resistance level of 0.9400 despite multiple attempts to break below. However Friday's daily candle looks very promising that a breakout could happen as soon as Monday


AUD/NZD Elliott Wave Cycle Completed

Based on Elliott Wave cycle if we count the move that started from the 2011 high (see Figure 1) all the way down to 2015 parity level we can tell that we have done a five wave move and us such we may consider the downtrend in the final stage. Right now we should be looking for a ABC corrective stage that should at least bring the price near the highs of wave IV at around the 1.1300 level.
Major Levels to watch:
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Daytrader21 avatar

Update 2: As per my analysis we're now heading towards the 50% fib retracement and as expected we made a temporary top at 1.0900. Next support comes in at 1.0600 which should be a good level to take profits as it can produce a bounce

Daytrader21 avatar

Update 3: Right now price is reacting off of the 38.2 Fibonacci retracement and it may be the case we're not going to head much more lower and resume the current up trend. However we need current low at 1.0600 to hold price. Resistance comes in at previous swing high 1.0900.

Daytrader21 avatar

Update 4: As expected AUD/NZD reacted higher from the 38.2 Fib level and we also broke above previous swing high at  1.09000. Right now for next week the 1.1000 big round number should act as support level which later on should be break

Daytrader21 avatar

Update 5: Unfortunately the upside momentum has pushed up this pair right into the major resistance at 1.13000. We should see from here a push lower at least in 3 waves however I'm not sure if there is enough time to reach our target near 1.1000. Even though there are only 200 pips difference current price structure worries me. If Monday we can push lower and close below 1.1180 we can see more downside

Daytrader21 avatar

Update 6: The market is already posting a reversal and a break below 1.1150 should see the market accelerating to the downside and eventually to see a retest of the big figure 1.1000


GBP/CHF Consolidation phase

After SNB decided to drop the 1.2000 EUR/CHF floor the price action on CHF crosses has been distorted however we can still find a way to guide us through the current mess by simple using support and resistance level and the box trading ranges (see Figure 1). GBP/CHF as being a cross pair has a lot of tendency to consolidate and we can find more often it's moving inside this range boxes. Usually if we have this type of boxes on the left side of the chart we can see how by simple using those boxes…
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Daytrader21 avatar

Update 5: As expected we had a double top and we had a sell of from the big round number 1.4500 which can be considered the second wave of wave B. Right now we're 0.13 deviation from my actual forecast of 1.4397. The actual price is 1.4378 which is exactly 19 pips. However we're just Friday and until Monday we can still have either some further improvements or the market could still move against me. However the likelihood is for a retest of the round number 1.4400 on Monday.

Daytrader21 avatar

Update 6: As expected and as per my last update we indeed not only retested the round number 1.4400 but the momentum pushed the price even higher. Right now as I post this update I have 0% deviation from my forecast, which is quite impressive. in the next two hours left until the deadline the market should not experience any strong movement until the New York session comes in and we should expect price gravitate near this round number 1.4400(1.4397 my forecast) during the next 2h

Daytrader21 avatar

Update 7: 20 Minutes left until the deadline and as expected the price gravitated towards the round number 1.4400, and as I write this update I have 0% deviation

Daytrader21 avatar

Update 9: I give here some feedback about Technical Analysis contest and why there need to bee done some adjustments.

Daytrader21 avatar

I have 0% deviation 15 minutes before the deadline....................This is unbelievable


CHF/JPY Range Mode

Like all the yen pairs, CHF/JPY has also been trading higher and after more than 1000 pips in a matter of only 2 months this pairs is taking a pause and we can already see it has established quite a big range from 124.50 previous swing high which is our resistance level and 120.50 support level which makes 400 pips of ranging zone(see Figure 1). Until we break one of this level we can safely assume we're going to be trading inside this range in the coming weeks and as Elliott Wave sequence sugge…
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foreignexchange avatar

Thanks, well done
