

Its back to NZD again - this time NZD/JPY

I see now that I have made a mistake trading Gbp/Usd
I don't know how I could have missed it, but I bet on a Gbp rise today;
there is never one way to a data release though:
In this case BOE's Carney refused to put a date on a Gbp rate hike and the pound tumbled
Herin lies the judgement mistake that I made:
why bet on one way: I had already bought Gbp on its initial move up last night,
only to get stopped out just below 1.68 again
I should have put in buy and sell stops both ways,
because the mo…
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USD still gaining strength

Last night saw a huge drop in Aud/Usd after some horrible unemployment data was released,
the majors (Eur, Gbp, especially) suffered a bit, but Usd gained in strength
and was up against all other currencies
The Yen crosses followed up the gains that Usd made against the Yen overnight
Today, during the European and American trading sessions Usd gave back most of its overnight gains
against the Yen, and I decided to buy Usd/Jpy, and the crosses at Usd/Jpy support around 104.2,
the pair only gained…
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Buying in to USD/JPY is the play

Yesterday I was able to open a couple of long positions,
as late in the afternoon I watched Usd/Jpy take a tumble below 104:
I had written about the support area around 103.7 the last couple of days,
and I was hoping to go long from around this area of support
My long position on Usd/Jpy did not open because I had set it at 103.85
and the pair halted at 103.9 -- I noticed this bounce and decided to buy a couple of yen crosses,
as I knew they would be following Yen weakness against the dollar,
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Daytrader21 avatar
Daytrader21 2014年01月07日

I agree with you that's the game to play with USDJPY

nick21 avatar
nick21 2014年01月07日

Do you usualy trade USD/JPY,GBP/JPY,EUR/JPY ?Me too,these are most liquide pairs.

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2014年01月07日

I like the moves in the Jpy crosses, they're fast -- therefore and I can get out with a profit quickly, or close faster if it goes the wrong way

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2014年01月07日

I expect a test of 103.7 level in Usd/Jpy again, today - it may not hold this time


Yen weakness into the new year

Happy 2014 everyone!
This year promises to be the comeback of the majors, and the losing of ground for the yen
The China credit crunch that has been the talk of the town the last couple of weeks is worrying
although it moves investors away from other currencies back to Usd, Eur, and Gbp
because the last country that was making money seems to be in trouble now, too
Economically, there will be adjustments this year, there is less wealth than we thought,
and people are realizing that a return to th…
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Yen weakness pevails, but is target reached technically?

I made a couple of trades last night that went horribly wrong:
I closed my short Yen positions because I saw that Usd/Jpy had found support around 104.7
Indeed it did go up last night,
but I had shorted Gbp/Usd, and Gbp, and Eur crosses because I thought that they would retrace down from present levels
I was wrong: trouble in the Japanese bank world has led to the buying of Eur, and Gbp
and my positions suffered.....
I have now bought back some yen, and shorted Eur, Gbp, and Chf against it,
I wi…
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Daytrader21 avatar
Daytrader21 2013年12月27日

Adam, I'm sorry for your recent loss, you should have had been more conservative you already where in the 2nd place,from my own point of view you where pushing your luck. I know this recent move are quite big for this time of the year, I'm very surprise of recent action. Wish you all the luck and I hope you can make back some part of your losses.


Time to dive back into selling the Yen

A new week is about to start
and I think it will be time to dive right in into selling the Yen against everything as soon as market opens
With the FOMC decision on tapering coming up on wednesday
(God, I hope I got that right this time :-)
Usd/Jpy will be going up before then in anticipation of the tapering decision
My plan is to buy now, and get out just before the news,
because on the day noone really knows what will happen
Tapering is the far most likely outcome, and that should boost Usd/Jpy…
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