annatimone's Blog


Will Doctor Yellen prescribe a dose of inflation for the

The noises being made about a possible increases to QE are rising. A New YorkTimes story over the weekend adds further evidence that some are calling for more.
They note that the topic of discussion at the Fed may start to focus on inflation and whether more QE should be done to boost inflation up, to give the economy the boost it’s lacking.Harvard professor Kenneth Rogoff says that inflation needs to be embraced and that the Fed is being too meek. He wants inflation pushed up to 6% for a few ye…
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sonjatrader avatar

Peter Schiff comes to the easy conclusion than the new leader at FederalReserve is just as incapable as her predecessors of recognizing a dangerous asset bubble .Worse yet, a a diehard believer in the power of expansive monetary policy,Miss yellen would be much less likely to attack an asset bubble even if she were ever to recognize one before it burst

mimuspolyglottos avatar

It is just like bobsleigh sport. FED need steeper and steeper track to go down at the qualifying time forgeting to drive it. They think inertion and gravitation will do the job. And someone will see a crash of their bob close to VIP seats.

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S&P Yellen nomination a near to intermediate positive

Standard & Poor’s give two reasons that Janet Yellen’s nomination as Chairman of the Federal Reserve is a near-to-intermediate term positive:
  1. Yellen’s nomination provides markets with a sense of continuity of the Fed’s current monetary policy decision-making and communications process
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mag avatar
mag 15 Oct.

We´ll see

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A debt ceiling solution is coming, here is when

Get used to more weeks like this, the fight over US debt will be a long, bitter struggle. As I write this article, it looks like there may be a short term deal to raise the debt ceiling this weekend avoiding financial catastrophe for the time being. A bigger deal is supposedly being negotiated however this row has been on-going for more than two years and so I am skeptical of any grand bargain.
The longer and more bitter the dispute becomes the more difficult it is for either side to eventuall…
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mag avatar
mag 13 Oct.

yes, M.D.will indulge, is especulation.

mag avatar
mag 13 Oct.

I agree with all article

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Here comes Yellen!

Obama thanked Bernanke and introduced Yellen. No one said much of substance but this one caught my attention:
  • Yellen believes the Fed must have vigorous debate, then unite behind response
Other central banks are moving more toward openly expressing their opinions in public and that’s been true of the Fed under Bernanke. This is a hint that Yellen wants all the Fed Presidents to speak with one mouth in public.
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stane2405 avatar

hehe, here we go...

sonjatrader avatar

Yellen has a profile more continuity than Summers in relation to ultra soft boots monetary policy that Bernanke has propped up the US economy.UU. in the last few years. However, one of his first tasks will be the articulate a timetable for the withdrawal of these stimuli with which Washington has flooded liquidity markets. So far, only another woman, the Russian Elvira Nabiullina, had played a similar chargement...

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