
Visualizing Global Population Density
Visualizing Global Population Density

Hotels To Visit Before You Die!
Hotels to visit before you die.

Women I admire. Task 17
1. Christine Lagarde - Christine Largarde is the first woman to serve as Chief of the International Monetary Fund. The IMF Governors made the revolutionary appointment after 67 years of selecting only white European men to run its affairs.
Perhaps the Board decided to finally select a woman to repair the negative publicity it suffered as a result of the sex scandal which forced the former Chief to resign. But regardless of the reasons, we now have the first woman ever to serve as Chief of t…

Task 11 - Changing the World
To me, being an entrepreneur means being in control of your destiny. It’s creatively defining your own life and happiness through business and partnerships. It’s not following anyone else’s footsteps and standards, but creating your own road for others to follow. It means not settling for anything average and not accepting another's definition of success for your life. You choose instead to define, and then pursue your own success. Being entrepreneur means realizing that if you don’t control yo…