JuliaBF's Blog


Beautiful Skin. What You Should Never Forget??

Hey Community!
I would like to devote this blog to the topic of Beauty of the skin. Usually in magazines, we are reading what shall we do to look pretty or which product is better to use in this or that case. I want to be special and don't want to follow stereotypes ))) Thats why I want to tell what you SHOULDN'T DO in order to keep a perfect condition of your skin. In fact, I am talking about not only the face but about skin in general and, of course, men should pay attention on this to
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 8 avr

Я согласна с тобой anna_t!! Но уход из -вне для кожи необходим не меньше))))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 8 avr

maximemc8 yes, actors and singers for example)

maximemc8 avatar

ahahaha and some very crazy about their own beauty... i have one libanese friend that put some powder when he has red spot on face or any marks ahaha

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 8 avr

looolllll maximemc8 you see men can be different!

maximemc8 avatar

oh yeah some are more feminin .... ahah

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Water Is Life!

Good Evening))
As tonight I devoted my blogs to the topic about useful habits and healthy eating I would also like to remind you the importance of drinking enough water. You have to drink 1,5 -2 liters per day of pure water. Be careful with your health. If you don't do it, you will get next problems:
  • Dehydration of the body
  • Bad metabolism
  • Slower brains functioning
  • You will eat more
  • Dehydration of the skin
  • You will look more wrinkled
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maximemc8 avatar

whatever girls ... wine is better !

anna_t avatar
anna_t 8 avr

я просто взглянула на картинку и представила как я пью воду с крана. скорее я заложница ассоциаций ) я знаю, что даже у блондинок волосы желтеют от воды с крана, до такой степени ржавые трубы

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 8 avr

Ничего себе!!!!!!! В любом случае даже бутылочная вода с половины напичкана антибиотиками, но все же нужно пробовать и находить то, что подходит нашему организму больше всего!))

anna_t avatar
anna_t 8 avr

да, согласна, что воду пичкают таблетками, такое же и про молоко слышала. мне очень нравится вода которая течет по трубам в Карпатах) она такая мягенькая для кожи, совсем не сушит) ее даже пить смело можно)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 8 avr

У моих родителей за городом тоже крутая вода  из своей скважины. . Даже как -то странно себя чувствую когда наливаю ее из крана))

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Attention! No More Starving Suffering At Night!!

I have a mood today to talk about food))) LOL
Fortunately, I am here only with useful tips! You know there are not a lot of people in the world can afford their self to eat at night. I mean late night.
Most of us are trying to control food consumption in order not to gain weight and avoid bloating in belly in the morning which you can feel if you ate and went to sleep straight away. But what to do if you really starving at 1am and can't even sleep?? Or you have t
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maximemc8 avatar

of course half avocado before to sleep ! i love it !!! give me a piece of ham with cheese between two toast ahahahah :p

anna_t avatar
anna_t 7 avr

класс класс, фруктики)

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Alleluia!!! Stress?? No problem!

Hello Community!
Today is Monday and, as for me, it is the perfect time to talk about stress! LOL
I have some good news about that. Do you know that there are two types of human behavior in stress? One -who are so stressed that not able to eat at all and second -who are like "vacuum machine "start to eat everything even without understanding what it is!))) So, despite on the type you belong to, there is already solution found out! Anyway you oblige to switch on brains in any situation so, please
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maximemc8 avatar

usefull ! tahnk you JuliaBF

anna_t avatar
anna_t 7 avr

когда у меня стресс, то кусок в горло не лезет.

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 7 avr

anna_t счастливый ты человек. Я веду себя в зависимости от степени стресса. Иногда я вообще ничего не ем, а иногда жру все и даже не замечаю(((( Вот для этих случаев, я нашла эту инфо и теперь хоть без ущерба для тела буду есть)))) LOL

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Early Birds

Hey my friends!
Do you like to sleep till late or you are early bird? I am always early bird. Usually I wake around 8 o'clock every morning and it doesn't matter what time I went to sleep. I don't like to sleep a lot and I would like to tell you about benefits of being early bird)))
  • You will get more time for everything. The most important point here is the lack of time will disappear straight away))
  • You will get ability of time planing
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anna_t avatar
anna_t 5 avr

все зависит во сколько я легла спать. я смешанный тип)

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

а я люблю поспать долго, утром не могу ничего заставить себя делать (

ANABEVZ avatar

Кто рано встает, тому Бог дает.. ) Люблю вставать рано

maximemc8 avatar

let's do this rule : during the week, wake up early, during the weekend , whatever!!! :p

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 8 avr

sounds good)))

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San Yin Jiao spot. What is this?

Happy Tuesday Community!
Have you ever heard about San Yin Jiao spot?
Than I am ready to share with you some interesting information, especially for women.
Because San Yin Jiao spot is the secret of women's timeless youth and health.
Where to find this spot?
So, this spot is located on internal side of both calves. It is easy to find. You put your for fingers on your internal side of calve right over ankle and it will be situated over your forefinger right over your ankle.
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maximemc8 avatar

not at all :) the one who doesn't try will never know :)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 1 avr

maximemc8 the best way to protect yourself it is blame others))))

maximemc8 avatar

ahahaha im sure you protect yourself very well!! ahahaa

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 3 avr

Oh yeah!! It is my fifth profession)

maximemc8 avatar


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Red Wine. New Way To Lose weight??

Hello there again)))
I think I suffer on insomnia tonight)))))) Whatever. I have a question to you guys. Have you ever heard that red wine is boosting our body to lose weight?
I have heard before but never tried as for me drinking alcohol and losing weight in the same time are totally incompatible things) LOL
However, the scientists are proved this fact. They say that there is a compound in muscadine grapes, which are in almost all types of red wine included, called ellagic acid. Literally, this
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speculo_ergo_sum avatar

the best way to lose weight  is the old way -- eat less!

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

but as a justification of alcoholism it might work!
-- Darling, you drink too much!
--Sweety, I am just working on my weight loss program.

maximemc8 avatar

speculo ahahahha !!

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 3 avr

loooooooollllllll Amazing excuses!!! Now I know what to answer to my BF! ahahah

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

do not thank me -- I just made a point based on your assertion:)

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Strong Personality. Habits, Way of Life, Power of Will.

Hey My Friends!
Who are the people with a strong personality? Which habits they have? Which way of life is for them? Why should we sick for getting such character?
You know, the power of strong personality is not about people who don't have any problems and enjoying their life. It is about ability to stay happy despite on any problems.
I think it is kind of complicated but everyone can become person like this. The main point is to have power of will and good motivation!))
So what kind of
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maximemc8 avatar

Not really easy to match all those details even if i have a strong personality. but i am trying to work on it a lot.....

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

they never say -- never again:)))))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 3 avr

True! Let's add it to my list!

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Water With Lemon And Honey. Benefits.

Hello Community!
I have a question. . How do you usually start your day?
They say that the best way to make your body wake up and work in the morning is to have a glass of water. It can be room temperature water, warm or water with lemon or. . . WATER WITH LEMON AND HONEY!
If you want to say fit and healthy this is the best way to start your day.

  • Helps to lose weight
  • Improves functioning of the colum
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anna_t avatar
anna_t 20 mar

просто, вкусно и полезно)

maximemc8 avatar

This is very usefull it is true

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 20 mar

yep))) and tasty)

verindur avatar
verindur 23 mar

Thanks Doc : ))))))))))

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Brains Fitness (Part 2)

Hello there Dears))))))
How was your Monday? Good?
In continuation to my previous blog and today's webinar I would like to tell you a bit more about ways to train your brains, improve memory and develop concentration.

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maximemc8 avatar

come over my office for one day !! i will wash your brain ahahahah

CriticalSection avatar

great points, I personally need more of number 2:)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 19 mar

Welcome back CriticalSection! Nice to see you again))))))))

CriticalSection avatar

Thank you beautiful)))

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