Alexana5's Blog


Very special day

About the special day and special wedding.
Im not such a tradition breaker, but I wish to have a wedding ceremony High in the Air. On Hot air balloon.
That would be amazing! I

Because promises will give to each other its intimate moment, and up here in the sky, it would be like eternity I feel
Other things can be more close to tradition - white beautiful dress, closest friends and family member invited.
Another thing, we will make some charity event on the next day after weddin
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speculo_ergo_sum avatar

in this case you must merry a p guy who can rule the hot air balloon, or the moment up in the sky will not be all that intimate.

nastiatru avatar

good luck, Alexana! And i am sure you will find the one who would share your ideas.

Alexana5 avatar

driven yes, I seen many weddings how its happand and I really excited about it. So Im not he first who want it :)

Alexana5 avatar

speculo_ergo_sum :))) it's okey, their always specialist-worker who who know how to rule this stuff)

Alexana5 avatar

nastiatru Thank you! :) I wish so too.

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Have you ever been on Punks Wedding?

Yes It happens, and Im lucky to catch EVERYTHING!
So yeap, I have been invited to Punks Wedding))
I was asked to be a photograph there. So I do my best)) as those guys who had a wedding party)
What we did? First there was preparation girl, dress, then serious part with document, and then relax part near to the river, drinking, and feeding swans.
I cannot tell that there was something crazy. No ) even more calm than in "ordinary" weddings with lots of relatives and fighting.
This wedding was…
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aldem avatar
aldem 14 avr

Alexana5 , уверен, для тебя вообще обыденные образы: ночь, утёс, симфонический метал, факелы, босые молодожёны, гости, мёд, вертолёт под вопросом. До распорядка дня мои мечты не добрались, лишь до самой церемонии в её общих малоконкретных чертах. Ещё не по душе, что молодожёнам диктуют, что говорить, думаю, надо без этого обходиться.

aAndriusik avatar

:DD Lol

AlexLuk avatar
AlexLuk 23 avr


Alisabremen avatar

punx not dead!

Sergej1 avatar
Sergej1 29 avr

haha great

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