

5 ways to get smarter this weekend

Interesting article in Scientific American saying you can increase your intelligence:5 ways to maximize your cognitive potential
The five primary principles are:
1. Seek Novelty
2. Challenge Yourself
3. Think Creatively
4. Do Things The Hard Way
5. Network
Any ideas about ways to do those 5 in a forex trading setting?
翻译为 英语 显示原始
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mag 20 10月


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mag 20 10月

is simple, applying the 5 concepts in the literal meaning.


6 Ways to Improve Your Memory

Young or old, we will all need this as some point! Altering just a few of your daily habits can go a long way, protecting your noggin in the process. Even having just one more cup of coffee or one more hour of sleep can keep your mind sharp for years to come.

1. Eat Berries

One study found that eating two or more ½-cup servings a week delayed the onset of Alzheimer's by 2½ years.

2. Drink Caffeinated Coffee

Experts think it has a substance that protects the brain, so aim for 2 to 3 cups a
翻译为 英语 显示原始
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mag 16 10月

Only in a jet lag continued but I like my lifestyle. my angry doctor. :((((
