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GBPusd overview

We see that the upward momentum in Sterling assets continues today, with some of the most prominent voices in the decisions of the Central Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee and the triumph of the Brexit bill voted in parliament by British Prime Minister Theresa may. However, despite the positive developments about Brexit in recent days, it is still worth noting that the uncertainties of Brexit continue in the country. For this reason, it is important to keep an eye out for possible exp…
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EURusd overview

On Friday, when we look at the headline inflation figures we followed from the euro zone, it was announced in parallel with expectations by 1.9 percent on annual basis and 0.5 percent on monthly basis. Food and energy items were neglected in the core CPI figures were realized in parallel with the projections. The euro, which had been selling hard on the European Central Bank's decision on Thursday, eased in part as inflation figures announced met forecasts. However, CFTC reports described in the…
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EURUSD parity overview

As EURUSD is returning from 1.2070 resistance, let us stress that this region is technically the main previous peak. The dollar is effective in reducing losses on the return. 1.1980 main support can be followed if retracement continues, leaving the data stream behind a day that the dollar was partially supported.
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Trump Approves Arming Kurds in Syria Over Turkish Objections

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Battle between men and women

OMG I find this video clip super funny
It is about the battle between men and women
For people from opposite sexes, they have different interest and thing that they fancy
But sometimes it is this little interest or hobbies lead to conflict or even a war !!
From the video it show that men are all football lover, they love four wheelers, toy, etc ..
For lady, we love cosmetics, handbag, doggie and kitty, etc…
The video use an exaggerating way to present the difference of interest we share.
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MobNaga avatar
MobNaga 16 Oct.

Thanks for your comment to my article.

ALTAS046 avatar
ALTAS046 17 Oct.

If you do like someone, you don’t mind spend a few time

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EUR/USD Week Ahead Report

Hello Traders,
The Euro gained back some ground against the dollar on Friday with investors after U.S. President Barack Obama approved air strikes in Iraq. Obama said in an address that he authorized targeted strikes to protect the besieged Yazidi minority and U.S. personnel in Iraq, after the Iraqi government requested help.
Currency markets in general have been resistant to alarms over Ukraine, Gaza or Iraq, but there is growing concern that a mix of growth-sapping sanctions and potentially h…
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War bullish or Bearish?

Currently the main market driven theme and the high risk event is the geopolitical event happening right now in Ukraine. As we have seen the market has become very sensitive to any risk event The news coming out from Ukraine are escalating very fast the Risk ON-OFF play and usually in time of uncertainties Risk On-Off will play in both sides as things begin to escalate in Ukraine risk aversion will kick in and when things will see some …
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Nicco avatar
Nicco 5 Mar.

Very, very interesting, as any post of Daytrader! You dom't find any data to interpolate COLD WAR too? The present situation with Russia-Ukraine-The rest of the World I think isn't a true war (I hope so!) but a cold war, or a freesing war...

Daytrader21 avatar

Thanks, Nicco. Cold war doesn't necessarily mean direct military action. Unfortunately I don't have any data as per your request

Convallium avatar

yes, Ukraine brought risks!

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1979 Russia Invasion of Afghanistan. 2014 Ukraine. Gold Price

In this blog post I'm going to reproduce a small part of my in depth analysis over Ukraine crisis and what it means to the market. The whole analysis should be published in form of an article during this week, right now my article is waiting for approval, but meanwhile we can look at what an Russian invasion in Ukraine means to the Gold market

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Daytrader21 avatar

LOL, I'll have to confess that I'm very confused:), please translate:)

jezz avatar
jezz 3 Mar.

First, I need to go buy some... and as they say it on TV - will be back after these messages.
What I didn't catch is the explanation of the fall of price of gold upon the invasion of Georgia. I know that you don't take out random events and put them in context to prove your theory.
But what I find intriguing in your fractal analysis is the fact that the single currency is on stage now. That could be the explanation of the same direction of gold and USD, that is abandoning the EUR. The market tends to repeat itself, but the players have changed, so not to follow each theory blindly.

Daytrader21 avatar

First you must understand the cycle we're in don't forget 2008 was the year of the risk aversion. Also at that point Gold has been in full development of the secular bull market without any sights of it to end, I mean everyone was bullish on gold and we got the opposite effect just because when the majority of the trading participants are u=in one side of the market usually the market goes in the opposite direction. In 1979 there where other condition and we where in another cycle. When working with correlation you must understand the cycle, otherwise it won't work.

Daytrader21 avatar

I know I'm giving you a simplistic view but right now I'm busy managing some big exposure, beside being long gold I also bought some yen and sold the eurusd from Friday, now back in my cave:))

Metal_Mind avatar

I have some update buddy about Ukraine. The things are as follow. The markets put an hold today as tomorow will be the decisive day when invasion will or will not happen. USA has it's hands tied up. They can't enforce anything against Rusia.One of the general fromt he security commitee said it will not risk to send warships in the Black Sea since our times aren't Cold war and you can't send them there if you don't intend to use them. European politicians doesn't have much to say either. We consume Russian gas so we are vulnerable in case we opposed mighty Rusia will.

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Genetic and war paradox

If you are scare of spider and you kill them, probably if a spider is very aggressive you won't kill it and you will go away leaving it alive.
Then the aggressive spider will survive and will reproduce giving the gen of this aggressive behavior to its descendent.
The pacific spider gen will disappear and repeating the process over the year you will get only aggressive spiders.
That is gen evolution adapted to survive.
The same process can be extended to human beings. If in a war the pacific peop…
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Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 28 Oct.

+1 !!!!))

christiangoni avatar

You are +1 !!!)))

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Korean Spam (canned meat popular in Hawaii). Photo heavy.

Ah! Spam, the meat of wartime. It's popular in Hawaii and also.... Korea since many soldeirs went over to fight in the Korean war. It's very....special.
Spam makes a great gift. There are so many types of spam available.With all these flavours, you'll never get bored and that's not all..
There are so many ways to eat spam. My favourite is in a stew. It tastes good in a variety of soups and stews. Here's a Korean Army stew.
Or how about in a stir fry?Or in fried rice. Don't forget the egg on top…
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