Natalia_Kisenko's Blog



Прогулявшись по улицам практически любого мальтийского города, вы получите смутное чувство, что вы в каком-то из величайших хитов европейской архитектуры - здесь немного Лондона, отголоски Парижа, возможно прикосновение Рима - фасады церквей в стиле барокко. И это не удивительно, финикийцы, карфагеняне, римляне, рыцари Святого Иоанна, французы и англичане - все это прокатилось через века и оставило неизгладимые напоминания об их завоеваниях.
Мальта сегодня - это современное и хорошо работающее…
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Yulia10 avatar
Yulia10 24 Nov.

ух как мне нравится )

Aviator avatar
Aviator 25 Nov.

тебе Мальта нравится?

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

да ))

Vlad73 avatar
Vlad73 25 Nov.

интересно бы попасть на Мальту

ESokol avatar
ESokol 25 Nov.

а почему именно в Мальту?

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Floating hotel in China

Ark Hotel в Китае является одним из самых необычных отелей в мире. Прозрачный отель-пузырь может быть адаптирован на суше и в воде. Эта конструкция полностью водонепроницаема, поэтому если уровень воды поднимется слишком высоко, он может фактически будет плавать в океане. Здание имеет уникальную способность находиться достаточно легко на плаву. Большая площадь и овальная форма помогают противостоять ветру и буре. Отель полностью самодостаточный. Он создает свою собственную энергию и перерабатыва…
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Aviator avatar
Aviator 25 Nov.

оригинальное изобретение )

Aviator avatar
Aviator 25 Nov.

это что Титаник?

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

нет )))

Vlad73 avatar
Vlad73 25 Nov.

это дом или корабль?

ESokol avatar
ESokol 25 Nov.

это наверное лодка )

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Cаla Goloritzé beach, Sardinia, Italy

Sardіnia beaches are very diverse. But few of them can compete with Cаla Goloritzé. This stunningly beautiful beach is one of beautiful beaches the Gulf of Orosei (in Italian Golfo di Orоsei), dotted with tiny white pebbles, and is located in the shadow of cliffs covered with macchia.
Cala Golorittse is not a classic beach "from a picture" with a silky soft sand and palm trees on the horizon. Its attractiveness is due to hardness of reaching and transparency of local waters. There are only two w…
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massimoscalas avatar

It 'an area that I know very well because I've spent my summers as a teenager and after a break of 20 years I go back every summer for the past 10 years. There are great places and little-known nearby.

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

massimoscalas  you are a lucky guy! :)

massimoscalas avatar

Yes, I was born in a very beautiful country ... we hope not to ruin it too

Yulia10 avatar
Yulia10 24 Nov.

какой пляж!

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 23 Dec.

It's really a very beautiful beach

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Гостиницы - капсулы

Сегодня я бы хотела продолжить свою серию статей о необычных домах.
Япония славится своими капсульными отелями. Они помогают сэкономить много денег в своих путешествиях и обеспечивает альтернативу дорогостоящим роскошным отелям и домикам.
Это пространство состоит из пластика или стекловолокна примерно 2mx1mx1.25m и является только местом для сна. К услугам гостей огромное количество небольших комнат или капсул. А также телевидение, беспроводной доступ в Интернет и мн.др.
В некоторых отелях имею…
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Natalia_Kisenko avatar

не думаю, что японцы в восторге от этого, но у них по-моему выхода нет

anna_n avatar
anna_n 15 Nov.


Yulia10 avatar
Yulia10 24 Nov.

наверное не очень комфортно )

Aviator avatar
Aviator 25 Nov.

даже читать неудобно )

Vlad73 avatar
Vlad73 25 Nov.

я бы в таком не остановился

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Rondinara beach, Corsica, France

Rоndinara beach can not be considered as a nook. In high season there drops anchor a whole armada of fabulous yachts and powdery fine sand beaches are literally disappears from view, hidden from prying eyes by tanned bodies. Cоrsica jealously guards its gorgeous beaches, and rightly so.
It is no exception, of course, Rоndinara beach, which is located at the end of a nondescript road from the N198, a halfway between a glamorous town of Pоrto-Vеcchio and ancient Bonifacіo. Administration makes gre…
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Margoshka avatar

В Мюнхине?

GammaBurst avatar


Natalia_Kisenko avatar

Margoshka  Нюрнберг, Мюнхен, Берлин... много где

Yulia10 avatar
Yulia10 24 Nov.

хочу на море )

Aviator avatar
Aviator 25 Nov.

соблазняющая картинка )

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Peniche, Portugal

The port and the eponymous beach Peniche dearly loved by surfers.
This year, in October Peniche was a host to one of the two European stages of the World Surfing League. Note, however, that this secluded beach, located on the Atlantic Cape crashed 60 miles north-west of Lisbon, is worth a visit even if you do not plan to "catch the wave".
Experienced surfers and bodiserfery hold a course on the west coast, to the perfect wave in the form of huge pipes beach Medão Grande Beach, and secluded coves…
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carpe avatar
carpe 10 Nov.

More!?? Great! It is a very good feeling that someone outside Portugal talk about aour country with such passion as you showing. Thank you!

Aviator avatar
Aviator 10 Nov.


Natalia_Kisenko avatar

carpe  thank you as well!

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

carpe  I'm sure Portugal is an amazing country!

Yulia10 avatar
Yulia10 24 Nov.

ой какие большие волны

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Jaz Beach, Montenegro

Hello, dear friends!
Today I'd like to start series of articles about the best beaches in Europe for those people who like to travel and rest.
If you're feeling adventurous, fond of unique culture and do not mind the incendiary parties, be sure to visit the spacious sandy beach Jаz (Jаz Beаch), located on the beautiful Adriatic coast of Mоntenegro.
Jaz beach gets extra points and location: it is located near Budvа Montеnegro "mіni-Dubrоvnik" with a charming Old Town and the fortress, which in su…
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Natalia_Kisenko avatar

есть такое, но мне моря очень не хватает

GammaBurst avatar

Wonderful place... never been to Montenegro.

Wovch avatar
Wovch 9 Nov.

красивый вид

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

GammaBurst  Italy has a lot of wonderful places as well! 

Yulia10 avatar
Yulia10 24 Nov.

хорошо здесь

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Hello Community!
Ibiza is a purely youth resort center. Night life of the island will not give to sleep to any person. Numerous discos provide real music hit parades literally give birth to a new style of dance on this island. These young people come from all over the world, with different musical tastes, trends, style and genre of music. And I wonder how successfully local DJs find desired program for each person.
To sights of Ibiza can be attributed Portal de ses-Thouless Fortress. You can fi…
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WallStreet6 avatar

maybe they're just waiting in line to get there

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

WallStreet6  really? ))))

WallStreet6 avatar

not sure:)

Aviator avatar
Aviator 24 Sep.

Все еду туда

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

Aviator  реклама подействовала?

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White Paradise Beach in Australia

Dear Community!
The Whіte Parаdise is an amazing beach, which is situated on the island of Hоly Trinіty, thе lаrgest islаnd оf thе archipеlago consisting of 74 islands. The beach is 7 km, and the white quartz sand beach considered the cleanest in thе wоrld.
There you can feel nature at its best qualities, relax and rest from the outside world. Thе bеach has been awarded numerous prizes as the most cleanest beach in Quеensland, and even as the most environmentally-friendly beach in the world acc…
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WallStreet6 avatar

I would have to go throught the tourist guide (your blog that is:)), but there's quite many of those top ten places, circa 100 :))))))

WallStreet6 avatar

seriously you have mentioned and told us about so many magnificent places:))))))

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

WallStreet6  I will be very glad if it be useful for you )

WallStreet6 avatar

It definitely is! And will definitely check out your blog when I'll finally make some profits on forex and start planning a trip:) Maybe you should write a tourist blog with all the interesting places!

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

WallStreet6  I think my Dukascopy's blog looks like as tourist blog and I dont need to write another one )))

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Which nations rest the longest in Europe?

Good evening dear Community!
This blog post is about those European countries which have the longest holidays. In particular, Finns and Italians rest the longest - 9 weeks (63 days). Germans followed by them with a 8 weeks’ vacation (56 days), behind them are Portuguese, Austrians and Spaniards with a 36 days of rest. Next nations with the longest rest are Swedes, Britіsh and Frеnch which have 34 days vacations. To understand all this, I try to compare these figures with ones in the US, which e…
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Margoshka avatar


Natalia_Kisenko avatar

пожалуйста )

Alexander22 avatar

интересная информация!

Yulia10 avatar
Yulia10 13 Aug.

С этой работой, у меня нет времени даже отдыхать (((

Aviator avatar
Aviator 25 Sep.

Я бы отдохнул )

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