alifari's Blog


FOMC Meeting - Another 10 Billion Taper Possibility

Upcoming week is considered another important week on USD pairs based on the fact that Fed is expected to taper another 10b in next FOMC Meeting as it is quite evident form their previous statements that Fed wants out of the asset purchase business on the belief that tapering is not tightening and even if it was tightening, they could compensate via forward guidance.
Despite recent data from US which strongly support another tapering EURUSD continues to go up and there are no signs yet of a sel…
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US Outlook for Week starting 10th March 2014

The US economy is typically the most consistent driver of market behavior and thus the outlook for this week will be key to determining how the the global FX markets, indices and alike are going to perform. This week comes off the back of a jobs report which provided little in terms of volatility, which tells us lots about the expectations of the market. The feeling is that we are likely to see a taper in the coming meeting and thus the biggest market moves are likely to come with any announceme
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