Вот скажите, почему рядом с некоторыми людьми находиться легко-легко, тогда как с другими - практически невозможно? И я сейчас даже не про тех, кого невозможно вынести в силу несовпадения характеров, привычек, да Бог знает чего еще. Я, скорее, о том, что, бывает, отношения складываются на раз, без приложения тонны усилий, без пресловутой "работы" над ними. И ты принимаешь того - другого - таким, какой он есть, со всеми его особенностями и заморочками, пусть даже немаленькими.Во втором же вариа…
Blog de la Communauté FX
Some important points to think about:
At the end of the day, it's important to know the game that you're playing; accept the games that you're not playing; and find peace with who you are, what you can do, and what you can't do. Only some market movement is opportunity: that sphere of movement that overlaps where we truly possess an edge. BMW doesn't fret over buyers who choose to drive a Chevy; that's not the game they're playing. The people who run Silversea cruises don't bang their heads agai…
At the end of the day, it's important to know the game that you're playing; accept the games that you're not playing; and find peace with who you are, what you can do, and what you can't do. Only some market movement is opportunity: that sphere of movement that overlaps where we truly possess an edge. BMW doesn't fret over buyers who choose to drive a Chevy; that's not the game they're playing. The people who run Silversea cruises don't bang their heads agai…