MassAnalytic's Blog


Copper Price Peaked!

Base from my mathematics formula TD vs C, both of them showed peak for copper. This means copper price will fall.
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FX90 avatar
FX90 14 Mar

good analysis

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Mass Analytic Inc RS vs X chart on EUR/USD

From my technical analysis of the EUR/USD and by utilizing my mathematics formula of RS vs X charting and compare to EUR/USD charting which include drawing lines, I've come up with the prediction that on 12:00 GMT May 1 of 2016, EUR/USD will be at 1.082.
The RS vs X charting, I compare the present to the past historical movement and use the ideal 2 months (since right now is March 4 and it'll be like in 2 months in May 1). The two historical movement seems similar path and hope on May 1 will fol…
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