

USDJpy testing 2014-2015 support levels

UsdJpy is back down at mid 2014 levels
Looking at the weekly chart we find UsdJpy back at 2014-2015 lows:
The pair is testing previous weekly lows, although we now already can identify an upward trendline
Technically, this is an important level for the bulls - will the pair move back up again?
I believe the test of this important level will take a while, but 100 should hold
If we look at the daily chart we might see how it will play out:
The trendline on the daily chart will most likely be broke…
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AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2016年08月05日

UsdJpy has broken below daily trendline as predicted and bounced off 100.60 level after some strong US data today - price action is as I set out in my prediction

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2016年08月15日

After a initial move up to my target area at 103, pair has now retraced back to 101 level. This is normal retracement and UsdJpy is following the moves that I predicted on my chart - I expect 101 to act as support now and pair should test 103 again soon

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2016年08月21日

Support around 100 being tested - pair looking weak though

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2016年08月29日

It has been a long battle but 100 holds, pair back up above 102 now, moving towards target 103

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2016年08月31日

Very happy with my prediction - price has crept up to my target on the last day - I just hope it can hold here


USDJpy rejecting previous lows

UsdJpy has reached the lows for now and will turn up
On the weekly chart we can see that UsdJpy is holding above 61.8% fibonacci retracement of last move up
this should be a strong level and I think it will hold
It is clear now on the daily chart that the previous lows have been rejected
We see large volume on the initial lows and less volume on another push down towards these lows
This indicates that the market is exhausted bearish , a…
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AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2016年03月02日

Backed off a bit after hitting 114.5 - back down to around 113.6, now testing 114 again,
should break this time

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2016年03月04日

NFP coming up today - make or break time for the analysis - a move up is good, soft data will send the pair down again

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2016年03月07日

Pair is holding below 114 after weaker data on Friday - it is not moving down though, sideways action
A break above 114 could still happen

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2016年03月10日

After some downtime pair is above 113 again - should move up faster soon

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2016年03月10日

Break above 114 again - this is strong - back up after retracement
Expect to hold above 114 now - target is in sight now


USD/JPY still to challenge previous highs

Usd/Jpy still has to break previous highs I believe
There is a monthly target above 130:
The retracement down to 116 level not too long ago and the subsequent bounce has set the way
for a challenge of previous highs and a fibonacci expansion level points above 130 for the pair
Let us look at the weekly chart for more clues:
Weekly fibonacci expansion shows us a level above 124, if 116 can act as support
If the pair will break below 116 then these levels will change
On the daily chart we see the …
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AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2015年12月29日

Pair holding above 120 for now - this is looking like support now

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2016年01月02日

no change yet, 120 still support

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2016年01月05日

price around 61.8% daily fibonacci retracement after breaking down 120

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2016年01月05日

if this level holds we go up again


Nice technical setup in USD/JPY

It seems that Usd/Jpy has a daily uptrend
If we look at the daily chart of Usd/Jpy we see a clear trend line
Every dip in the pair is bought, and it leading the pair higher
I have about 50K left to trade, and I will be buying the Usd
gl all
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Trend is turning against USD now

The trend seems to be turning against the USD now
After losing most of my money on the RBA decision - I thought there would be a cut ...
I decided to follow the Usd/Jpy break of 120 again
I was not sure Usd would push through, so I went long Aud/Jpy, and Nzd/Jpy first,
and put in a buy stop in Usd/Jpy at 121;
it seems I was right not to jump in because the pair has failed at 120 again,
this is bad news for Usd sentiment and I think Usd will turn lower again now
Buy Gbp and Euro is what I say -- …
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USD strength returning

Usd/Jpy is back up again after some retracement
After putting in a low around 118, the pair is again challenging 120 today,
this level should hold the move up again,
but if it breaks above again - we should see the previous highs taken out around 122
The sharp move back up and the unwillingness of deeper retracement
should see this pair continue its route to 125 and beyond
I am long Gbp/Jpy, and will add other yen short as soon as my equity allows
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Retracement towards support level before next move up in USD

Ater failing to break 119 Usd/Jpy seems to have put in a top for now
The price remains below 118, and a retracement from the highs seems to be happening
On the weekly chart we can see the red candles forming and the price starting to move down,
the top is just below 119, and the last big move up on the weekly chart
provides us with a natural retracement towards the 38.2% fibonacci retracement level eventually;
this level lies around 113
We see that the weekly RSI_14 is also extremely high - abov…
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AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2014年12月04日

Pair has moved up to 120 - so high was not in place before retracement yet,
it should happen soon though - I stand by a pullback before 120 is broken definately
It has only just pierced the level now, but not can hold above yet

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2014年12月10日

Deeper retracement has started now from a higher level -- near 1.22,
but price has already broken below 118 now - and 115 could be the next target

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2014年12月16日

Deeper retracement has set in now - with Usd/Jpy just above 116,
about 100 pipsabove target now, this weakness should see the pair reach 115 - my target,
before it can reverse now


USD/JPY nearing point of retracement to enter long

Usd/Jpy is a strongly bullish pair, technically aswell as fundamentally
On the weekly chart a retracement is currently underway from previous highs
after the pair touched 110
I believe this level will be retaken and broken before too long
The current retracement should stop around the 38.2% fibonacci retracement level
if the pair is still truly bullish
and the price should be on the move up from there
The retracement to the 38.2% level provides us with a 61.8% fibonacci expansion level of above …
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peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 2014年10月13日


AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2014年10月19日

retracement stopped around the 50% weekly fibonacci level instead of the 38.2% level, but the large bounce has indicated a reversal/bullish renewance. Pair is now above 38.2% level again, and has broken above the 100SMA for the first time in a long while - these are bullish signs

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2014年10月30日

bullish signs continue as pair has already broken above 38.2% and 23.6% fibonacci resistance,
next target is 100% at 110.08 = previous highs, and then above


USD/JPY moving up to next resistence area

Usd/Jpy is still very much a bullish pair, the only question is:
where is the next higher target at?
On the weekly chart I have drawn all the latest fibonacci expansion areas,
to see if any of them combine to form a area of resistence:
I have found a area of two combined fibonacci targets around 109.5, which seems a likely target by november
Usd/Jpy weekly chart
On the daily chart there is a trendline to be found, that may act as a support
after the next 61.8% fibonacci weekly target of the last…
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AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2014年10月19日

Larger retracement than I expected has pushed the price down to Februari highs
Recovery is strong and swift from here, though - the pair making 160 pips in two days already,
I still expect my target to be within reach

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2014年10月23日

Beginning the upmove now - strong Usd, supported by stocks, 150 pips from target now

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2014年10月29日

FOMC decision just now has stregnthend Usd and it is poised to break 109 now - finally moving up from 108

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2014年10月30日

109 broken now - tomorrow is the last day of the contest and should see the price near my target :-)
110 is the next target for Usd/Jpy after it has been pierced once already,
after that the pair will probably move up to 111 - which would be new yearly highs

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2014年10月30日

The pair is on the move up again after some news from Japan indicating Jpy weakness
Usd/Jpy is now exactly on target of my prediction at 109.4 - nice
Resistance area starts here just above 109.5, 100% fibonacci expansion from weekly move up
in combination with other fibonacci expansions around 110,
I expect 110 to hold the price below until next week - support now around 109


USD/JPY retracing or is a top in place?

Looking at the weekly chart on Usd/Jpy this retracement that the pair is in now could be more than just a pullback
from the highs - Usd/Jpy has failed to break previous weekly highs, leaving the possibility of a double top
Usd/Jpy weekly chart
Fibonacci expansion area of last move 61.8% has a target above previous highs around 106.4
and this should be the next target for the pair if it is to remain bullish,
if a high is in place it could be a turn to bearish sentiment of the pair with the double…
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