
8 Rules of The Money Management

Good Monday!!!
Professional viability and financial success trader rest on three pillars of trade:
1. Profitable Trading System
2. Risk Management and Capital Management
3. Psychological resistance
Money management rules are based on the following principles:
1. Invest no more than half of the total capital.
The figure of 50% is the number of Murphy. Financial experts recommend an even smaller percentage of 5-30% of the deposit. That is more than half of its own funds should be left for use in n…
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Mariia avatar
Mariia 16 Mar.

Really helpful! Especially nice is written clearly for beginners!

FomikSer avatar
FomikSer 18 Mar.

Ну... сейчас можно конечно с некоторыми нюансами поспорить, но в целом все правильно - это классика!

verindur avatar
verindur 23 Mar.

Self-Confidence - 100%. Just focus on creating your Self-Confidence everytime. Take the necessarry steps always. You will never lose direction. )))))

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The Holding of The Concentration

Happy Friday, Community!

In the profession trader is often the details draw the line between successful and losers. In this article, Tom Gently published his main secrets (applicable to forex), to help in the practice of trading. To disclosed in the article points become loyal assistants trader, you need to thoroughly reconsider their attitude to everyday elements of forex trading.
In any business, it is the ability to focus. This is especially true for trade, since your concentration is reflec
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The Trade Zone

Good Day, Community!
Today I want ot talk about The Trade Zone.

Brett N. Stinberger emphasizes that trade is an activity in which the mental and psychological condition are directly related to the outcome. This view is quite common. And in the last century came two books called "area of ​​trade."
Book's authors emphasize the importance of focusing on the process of trade without unnecessary emotions. Both authors say came to the conclusion that the area of ​​trade - it's emotional and psycholog
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Shalomavahatikvah avatar

My best trading zone is when I am zoned out:) Cool blog, thanks:)

FomikSer avatar
FomikSer 12 Mar.

Интересный взгляд

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Disciplined Trader

Hello, Dukascopy traders!
Are you friends with discipline on the Market?

The purpose of the trader to put your profit on a regular basis, but in reality so few traders on a regular basis to earn in the market. How can we explain such a small percentage of successful traders?
The problem in complying with the rules of trade - it is a problem of self-discipline.
The desire to get even, fear cut losses, moving stop-loss order, maybe unfold course, the addition of the lot in violation of the rules o…
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pipx avatar
pipx 11 Mar.

"The desire to get even" - That's my curse :-)

WallStreet6 avatar

I was unfortunately very disciplined in trading agianst the drop of the euro:)

samme avatar
samme 12 Mar.


FomikSer avatar
FomikSer 12 Mar.

Да, дисциплина, очень важный фактор в торговле!

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The strategy of following or the strategy of offensive?

Good Wednesday, Community!!!
I've noticed an interesting trend in articles about trading. Many of them say that the trading methods that are currently used are outdated. Although of course, the knowledge base must be and it is the eternal foundation.
Successful traders use different tactics in their trade. Initially, I thought that all of them are based on personal knowledge and experience, but there are those who have reached the top of the following major players and repeating their activity.
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FomikSer avatar
FomikSer 4 Mar.

Мой опыт подсказывает, что вещами, которые действительно работают на рынке мало кто делится

ANABEVZ avatar

Конечно же, думаю, чтобы дойти до чего то новаторского и эффективного, нужно вложить не мало усилий и времени..

FomikSer avatar
FomikSer 5 Mar.

Абсолютно согласен. И еще, пока об этом новом никто не знает - это работает, в этом вся суть. Как только метод становится достоянием масс, он тут же перестает работать!

fxsurprise8 avatar

Learn strategies from others, then adapt them to your liking

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Running on a rake/Бегущие по граблям

Hi, dear community!
Today is the last day of the competition, and all my posts will be a bit of a personal nature.In the following words hidden subtext about my feelings, I hope you will understand it.
All we're not just step on a rake. It does not matter whether or not we are traders. Rakes there on any way. You are rich or poor, successful or not. Rakes - an integral part of the road. But that's why someone found some forces do not attack more once, invented workarounds, and some chose to go a
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Sharpshooter avatar

Мне кажется, что нигде нет столько «граблей», как на валютной или на фондовой бирже(

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

well, people have very short memory, especially in trading

ANABEVZ avatar

speculo_ergo_sum The memory is one of the problem... But in this running i think the biggest problem that people haven't paticience..

marius24 avatar
marius24 31 Oct.

wish you good luck

men79 avatar
men79 2 Nov.

all the best

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Hi, guys !! I spoke with traders and found that many of them have a certain dependence on the market.
Ask a question for youself: Do you have this dependence with market? Can you live without a trade couple of days?

Person is pretty weak creature and often depends on any detrimental effects - drug addiction, alcoholism, etc. But in regard to trading, Is there a dependence of forex?
Researchers believe that this dependence have place and it is very similar to the others, and especially on gambli…
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speculo_ergo_sum avatar

first of all -- trading is not gaming or gambling

ANABEVZ avatar

not all understand this thing - and this is one of the reason to lost money in trading...

marius24 avatar
marius24 31 Oct.

i am agree with speculo

Sharpshooter avatar

Тогда ладно. Тебе виднее) Если, тем более, ты все время в движении к цели ))

WallStreet6 avatar

You are saying that we might be addicted from the wonderfull influx of adrenaline and the great pleasure that overcoming challanges and bringing in profitable trades gives us??????
I say NO NO NO
We are not addicted!
I can surely go without trading for a couple of days (or was that a couple of hours?), but how miserable that might be!!!

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The Top 16 Stock Market Books (number 11)

Number 11: The Art of Short Selling [Kathryn F. Staley]
Today let's talk about the short-term trading and the art of doing it. Of course, every trader himself makes a choice in their policies and terms of trade, but to know - is to be armed. So let's get new knowledge in this difficult, but pleasant work.

A unique book that shows you how to work with the latest trends investments - short selling "The Art of short sales is the best description of this difficult technique." - John Trane, Trane, Thomas, Smith Invest
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bharatholsa avatar

good post

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

the art of short selling in selling high and buying low:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

the wisdom conveyed in one line:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

marius24 avatar
marius24 31 Oct.

yap i like this post

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Трансформация трейдера

Доброго времени суток, сообщество!
Хочу затронуть тему "ТРАНСФОРМАЦИИ ТРЕЙДЕРА".

На многих форумах я читала отзывы того, как Форекс изменил жизнь или же не изменил ее. Отметила для себя, что в большинстве случаев изменения были. И не только в материальном положении человека, но и в психологическом.
Каждый человек, своевольно выбравший для себя работу трейдера проходит достаточно долгий путь перед тем, как стать успешным в этой сфере, а иногда и просто для того, чтобы стабильно зарабатывать.
Все …
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ANABEVZ avatar

ilonalt Я полностью с тобой согласна! И то, что мы учимся здесь на своих же ошибках - это ценнее сотни советов. Ведь только то, что пережито и прочувствовано можно  проанализировать праильно и с учетом наименьших деталей.

evilspeculator avatar

Good stuff - I actually get out of my chair every 30 minutes - sitting KILLS you. And of course I never miss my gym time! ;-)

Sharpshooter avatar

Сложная тема ....

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

the problem is that traders run out of money by the moment they learn something:)

ANABEVZ avatar

true, but to attain something we almost also must to give something or run out, like in trading

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AUD /USD Trading

Hello, traders!
As you know, most of the traders on Forex, especially beginners, focus only on trade Eurodollarsbut on other pairs pay little attention.
Today we talk about the features of the Australian dollar trade. Namely currency pair AUD / USD, which is easier to sell than the same EURUSD, and the movement more effectively.
Despite its youth, the Australian economy is one of the major capitalist economies in the world. GDP is estimated at about 1.57 trillion dollars.
Overall, the Australian …
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erpat avatar
erpat 28 Oct.

В последние время на форексе есть только две валюты - доллар и недоллар ))

Roman1 avatar
Roman1 28 Oct.

Ерунда кроссы нормально функционируют

ANABEVZ avatar

Roman1 На кроссах можно  получить хорошую прибыль, но и риски при этом тоже больше. AUD/JPY еще не дошла до них.. чуть позже)

erpat avatar
erpat 28 Oct.

Прибыль можно везде получить. Дело не в этом. Если посмотреть как все пары реагируют на новости, то получается, что на чём бы вы не торговали, а всё-равно зависите от макроэкономических показателей по США.

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 29 Oct.

it is very volatile pair and quite risky :)

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