annatimone's Blog


It is International Coffee Day! What’s your morning boost?

Load up on caffeine because September 29 is International Coffee Day but that’s a Sunday so to hell with we’re running with it.
How many of you drink coffee and trade?
Trading is a mental game and coffee is a stimulant, so what you drink in the morning can chance you judge trades. For me, I can’t drink coffee and trade. It makes me jittery and nervy plus the crash later is a downer. For me, just the right thing is a good night’s sleep and sugary cup of tea
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agddivisas avatar

Better tea then coffee.

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Pound rallies and chews through sell orders

The unchanged decision was expected but the rally was prompted more by the lack of any accompanying statement which might have had dovish forward guidance tones.10 year gilts have traded at a 2 year high of 2.95% adding to the bullish toneGBP/USD has now taken out good selling interest at 1,5650High post 1.5660 in a rushcurrently 1.5651EUR/GBP dropping again to 0.8441 but will find some consolidation ahead of ECB
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Haynes6EU avatar

GL :)

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When will we actually believe in a recovery?

There was some very interesting response after the latest upbeat UK figures. The problem with judging a recovery is that you can’t confirm it until many months later when you can look back and say, “yep, that’s a recovery”. If a few figures start slipping early on then the fear creeps back in that the good run was temporary, the problems seem as bad as ever, and we’re all doomed….again, and so on. What are we supposed to do then? Do we fade the good figures if we believe that they will rever…
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