AdamFx42's Blog


I know what to do now this month

I have figured out what to do in the contest this month now

I have been looking at the rankings and possibilities in this month's contest
and have drawn up a plan for tomorrow
I have 149 points for performance but I am 20K above the person with 148 points
so I have room to trade, and calculated loss
The person above me has only 1K more so I can try to make it 150 points reasonably safely
If there is not too much movement among the rest,
I should end up 5th in the contest after my trader's blog …
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Top 6 position in the contest is my goal now

Just before the weekend close I find myself on the 6th place in the contest

Just before the last weekend close of the contest I am doing alright
The placing is beginning to take form, and the players who will win prizes are becoming evident
I was looking to climb a place from number 5 yesterday to maybe number 4\
Today there is a new number 5 though, and I am sixth
If I plan any last move on Monday - the last day of trading this month - it will be because I have fallen out of the top 6
good wee…
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