Блог AdamFx42


Opening long USD positions again today

I have opened a few new positions long Usd today
The bounce above 1.10 on Friday was very interesting to me
Technically, 1.10 holding is good news for UsdJpy
I sense a recovery coming - maybe some more strong data ahead
Fundamentally that makes the dollar potentially changing direction again
There could be a lot of pips to be made
I am long UsdNok, UsdSek, UsdMxn and UsdJpy
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Short AUD this month

I will be shorting Aud this month
Fundamentals tell me the AudUsd has risen too much too fast
I see possibilities in shorting AudCad, too
It is trapped below the SMA daily 200
I expect AudUsd to return or retrace to 0.97 level
I will trade it and other Aud crosses accordingly
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More GBP weakness to come next week?

It looks like there maybe more Gbp weakness next week
I made a couple of good Gbp short trades this week
I was looking at the Gbp charts yesterday evening
Technically, there are plenty of reasons to sell Gbp
GbpUsd seems stuck below 1.29 - and analysis points to immediate downside
The same can be said for GbpNzd and GbpAud
The fall in these pairs is likely to continue after failiure to recover last evening
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Short GBP at beginning of this month

I am short Gbp to begin the month of trading
I have opened short positions in GbpNzd and GbpAud today at market open
GbpUsd is nearing 1.30 - where I expect resistance
Fundamentally, brexit is still a problem in UK
and recent move up in Gbp will find little ground for a continued move up soon
Technically, I see retracement starting in Gbp crosses
and I will be waiting for more weakness in Gbp
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Repeating USD longs today

I am long Usd again today
After closing my Usd longs yesterday with a healthy profit
I am back in today
Technically a lot of Usd crosses are supported and/or bullish in their setup
This combined with a rate hike coming up today made me re-enter
I am long UsdJpy, UsdCad, UsdMxn, UsdNok and UsdTry
I will be hoping to close my positions with profit just before the announcement this evening
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USD my focus this coming month

In this month's contest I will focus on USD
UsdJpy has held its ground above 100,
and as the BOJ threathens to intervene below 100, traders are long for now
Technical analysis still points down on this pair, though
and a channel down is still intact unless UsdJpy breaks above 102
I will be looking to buy just above 100 and above 102 this month
gl all
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Found a good spot for GBP longs

I have finally found a good spot to go long Gbp
I am long GbpJpy above 161 - this is support for another bulish move up
GbpChf is supported above 1.4540 - I am long this pair too
First off, I was up 30K, after adding a GbpUsd long at 1.4730, and a GbpAud long just below 2.05
Then the market dropped sharply just now - turning from +30 to -20K in my account
As there is no real reason for this drop, I added a GbpNzd long here
There is UK data coming up- and traders will take any reason they can to …
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Buying small positions in EUR crosses today

Some carefull trading today in Eur crosses
I have just bought and closed a couple of Eur crosses off the lows
I noticed that other pairs had gained, but EurUsd was still low
I bought just above 1.13, and also went long EurGbp, EurJpy, and Eur Nzd
I had a EurNok waiting but it was not triggered
I was able to buy 4.2 million on each position because of very tight SL's
I closed two of the four positions with a healthy profit,
and lost two with minimal exposure
I manged to grow my capital with 15K
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Switching to long UsdJpy

I switched my positioning to long UsdJpy yesterday
UsdJpy closed yesterday with a bullish engulfing candle on the daily chart
111 seems to be the low for now and the pair has potential to reach 116
I am long around 114 and have opened long positions in Usd crosses too
Market is still coiling now but I hope for the right direction to unfold for me soon
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Good start to new month in contest

I started off well in this Contest month buying Aud
Last night at the start of the contest Australian data came out - interest rate decision
Because it was widely expected by traders to be left on hold, I thought of a trade
I went long AudUsd for a rally after the interest rate decision - and betted they would hold rates
At the same time I shorted GbpAud and EurAud because of technicals in these pairs pointed to the downside
The strategy paid off and I find myself in the top 10 traders right awa…
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