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Dare you try on tattoos or piercings?

Many people have been asking me do I get any tattoos. I was wondering do I look like a wild girl who would have a tattoo. Actually, I do have a thought to do one when I was young. But my mum would definitely kill me if I really do so. So I just leave it. Even now I grew up. I have a say, I still need to consider it carefully. Since it is not a common practice in Hong Kong. Maybe in the West, people will find it just a kind of body act. But in Hong Kong, even a modern city, most of our mind are s…
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Stix avatar
Stix 15 Sep

Thank you ! :) :)

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Just wanted to post these pics cause ilonalt wanted to see them.
1. MY TAT :-

I will be modifying this one soon. I'm trying to do it full on my left arm up to elbow length. Any suggestions would be appreciated

This one's called "Elish" a patent Bengali dish. This can be found mainly in Bangladesh and Eastern region of India. Oh boy it has bones but amazingly delicious
This is king sized prawn lol. Sorry we don't eat small shrimps. We just go for biggie. I think I burned t…
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ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 22 Abr

Interesting.... Does it mean someting?

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 22 Abr

Did you prepared all that dishes yourself?

shanziester avatar

no means nothing :D I just did it cause I liked the tribal form. And no I didn't make all the dishes. my mum made some :D However I can cook all of them and even more. I prefer meat dishes though :P

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 22 Abr

like many of men :)

Omela avatar
Omela 8 May

О мой Бог! Всё хочу съесть!)))

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