
タグ・フィルター:  Task 8

I'm a man!!!

I'm a man!!
One summer evening I sat down to play cards with friends.
Terms: lost - to change into a man or woman.
I play good cards. But on the third time lost. In the range of two beautiful women, I became a man. You can see it in the photos
The phrase I must say, when lost: My name Tolia.
I am 23 years. And I've never been with a woman.
I acted like a man who wanted to get acquainted with a woman, and not only ...
Next to me was a companion, Mary and Dasha
What we did see in the image!!
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milanka avatar
milanka 2014年11月05日

Очень смешно получилось

kiva avatar
kiva 2014年11月14日

Аххах, вот это приколисты

dima25 avatar
dima25 2014年11月28日

Ну ты и даешь!!

vlad871452 avatar
vlad871452 2014年11月30日


ura25 avatar
ura25 2014年11月30日

Фотки отпадные!


Boyish Nicole with beard

Well, this task "Pretend you are a man" is a bit ... "extraordinary" ...
Thanks cheerleaders for offering me this chance to be such ugly lol
TBH, many of my friends have already said like I am very boyish
I always behave like a boy with many bold moves
I treat my guy friends as bros and lots man-talk with them
When I get along with my girl friends, I behave like a gentleman
I shouldn’t have been born to be a girl
Sometimes I might think what if I had been born to be a guy
Would I be an att…
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peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 2014年11月03日

TradingwithEA 醜到爆炸.........

peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 2014年11月03日

JvdS87908 To be honest, I think my guy's look is even better then how my real guy friend look like

peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 2014年11月03日

AND does he look alike me?

marius24 avatar
marius24 2014年11月04日

without knowing you are..i would have said that in this photo is a boy 100% :)) i am not joking

peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 2014年11月07日

marius24 I have never knew that I can be ugly like this lol


What man do when...

This is what a man does when he scored a woman -,-" or just only got her number!
i can not even look at this video because it's so stupid hahaha but that is what i think of man sometimes :$
ps i love to wear man clothes :$
this was to carnaval in london, it was the jacket and head top from a good friend!
also a man's shirt wearing it mostly like a dress, not this day!
Also a man shirts put i am pimping it to woman clothes haha!!
And... i love man shirts!
I hope you guys liked my video, i have la…
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Stix avatar
Stix 2014年10月08日

I am not sure I could wear men's clothing... It would look a little clownish. :) :)

gabythelady avatar
gabythelady 2014年10月08日



Lady into Man (No!)

This is the video "behind the scenes" of filming Task 8 "This is a man's world", when we need to pretend ourselves like a men
Under this video I put "original the final video put on the music of Beoncey "If I were a boy" .
But this task makes me think about, how often girls pretend or try act like a men.
In teenage time, it is cool to be more men-like, than too girly.
And it also need to be a middle in between.
Every woman can be strong in extreme situations, and take solution
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Stix avatar
Stix 2014年10月07日

Real funny - your expressions are excellent. :) :)

Sergej_Tomilino_2 avatar
Sergej_Tomilino_2 2014年10月07日


Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 2014年10月09日

Stix :D thank you)))

JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 2014年10月09日

Супер!! Очень весело и смело :))

Gleb_Tokarev avatar
Gleb_Tokarev 2014年10月31日

Кто у них там на бренйстормах сидит, кто придумывает задания?))))


Світ чоловіків

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Stix avatar
Stix 2014年09月15日

Thank you ! :) :)


Let's compare...MAN and WOMAN

Hello Guys,
This Task I decided to make in creative way. So you can see me in IMAGE of "MAN" and "WOMAN".... but in unusual way
Have a great and sunny day!!
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TradeTrading avatar
TradeTrading 2014年08月27日

very funny and great editing!

Vale avatar
Vale 2014年08月27日


Stix avatar
Stix 2014年08月27日

Brilliant ! How absolutely funny ! :) Thank you so much for the laugh !

Vale avatar
Vale 2014年08月28日



If I were a boy...

Как бы я выглядела в роли мужчины? Мне и самой это стало очень интересно!
Спасибо за такое прекрасное задание! Если бы ни Dukascopy, я бы вряд ли додумалась перевоплотиться в мужчину! Макияж делала сама!) Так что не судите строго)
Видео в Instagram)
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Elani avatar
Elani 2014年08月22日

если б была мужчиной все равно была красавцем )))) класс!!! мне очень понравилось ))))

Karisha avatar
Karisha 2014年08月22日

спасибо большое)))

Stix avatar
Stix 2014年08月22日

Wow ! I had to look a few times ! Excellent... What fun ! :)

peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 2014年08月31日

Hahaha nice


This is a Man's World Это Мужской Мир

Последнее столетие представительницы прекрасного пола боролись за своё равноправие и, как следствие, осваивали мужские профессии.
Женщины не упустили шанс отвоевать у мужчин право носить брючный костюм, жилет, галстук.
Для меня примером сильной и волевой женщины является Саманта Картер из сериала "Звёздные Врата. ЗВ-1".
The last century of the woman fought for the equality and, as a result, mastered man's professions.
Women didn't miss chance to win the right to wear a trouser suit, a vest, a t…
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Stix avatar
Stix 2014年08月15日

I don't mind it being a Man's World... There is plenty place for us women. My view. :)

Valeriia_Novikova avatar
Valeriia_Novikova 2014年08月15日

I think you are right, because into myths, fairy-tales and legends a nature has an image of Mother-Nature. For example Demetris, Greek goddess of the earth and fertility.


This is a Man's World

drinking beer and watching football probably belongs more to a man's world, but sometimes it is also part of mine
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lucy avatar
lucy 2014年08月08日

and that's the reason why we cannot generalize the differences between men and women :)

Stix avatar
Stix 2014年08月10日

I can, in very small amounts, drink wine or vodka. But I cannot drink beer - not a drop. I do not know why. :)

lucy avatar
lucy 2014年08月10日

Stix you will not believe... but the same for me :) I also drink in very small amounts (and even small amount are enough for me:)), wine, vodka or Hugo - it´s Italian light sekt, if you haven´t tasted yet :) so, in this picture - it was just Munchner Radler and I drank just half of it :)

Stix avatar
Stix 2014年08月10日

I am on the floor after a quarter of a glass of wine... It's that funny. If I am at a table and everyone is drinking, I am brave enough to pour a little into a glass but I look at it with beady eyes for a long time - I know I am in trouble already ! :)

lucy avatar
lucy 2014年08月12日

it´s very similar for me, too :))


Я в образе мужчины.

Вот такой я , озорной парнишка! Девченки, приглашаю всех в ночной клуб! Обещаю, будет весело!!! )))
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