ilonalt's Blog


Some things you must to have always with you!

Good evening,
I have seen many different ways how to use pegs and I also have some ideas
1. The first one is very useful and my advise is to have at least one peg always with you. It is very useful to shut up mouth with a peg that you will not say something what you don't want to tell (sometimes it is very difficult not to tell something that we don't need to tell - in russian " придержать язык за зубами")
2. The next one - the idea of my daughter ( 11 y.o) . You need two pegs this time - to…
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kolokol avatar
kolokol 22 Feb

вы знаете кстати... у нас в городе намечается выставка картин вашего любимого художника,на дворцовой площади на против Эрмитажа с 22 марта...:)

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 22 Feb

Да, Швейцария, Gucci, а вот на выставку Dali я бы с удовольствием, но я к сожелению в это время буду в больнице

kolokol avatar
kolokol 22 Feb

Она будет длиться несколько месяцев.....Поправляйтесь!

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 22 Feb


babonasfx avatar

xoxoxo, jumoristki

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My fitness techniques

I haven't got any special fitness techniques. For me, one of the most important things is a healthy stile of life. I pay very much attention for the healthy food, I'm not smoking, I drink alcohol only sometimes, very rare. When I was a young girl i haven't any problems with overweight. I could eat everything I wanted and I was much more less that I'm presently Even when after I got birth to my first child( my daughter who is 15 years old now), I was so slim. But year after year it became more …
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seediee avatar
seediee 10 Set


agddivisas avatar

Don´t see snow since many years, only sun.

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 12 Set

how often there is there a snow in Spain?

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